What an amazing time I’m having reading the Bible in 90 days! I have read the entire Bible before, but never at this pace, and the story is so captivating and flying right by!
I am choosing to read a chronological Bible for this challenge, and am enjoying how I am reading the events in the historical chronology of when they occurred. Just a few days ago, in 1 and 2 Samuel, the Psalms of King David were inserted along with the circumstance and situation in which they were written, and it has been so moving to read it this way. It is like a novel unfolding before my eyes in which I can’t wait to see what will happen next…and today, day #26, and I have been reminded of so many truths and am learning so much!
In Genesis, I learned through Joseph…that sometimes what people intend for harm, evil, or pain, God uses and transforms and redeems to bring about His ultimate and perfect plan.
In Exodus, I learned through the people of Israel, and their poor example…that I never want to forget what God has done for me. I want to always remember and give thanks for all He gives, instead of grumbling or complaining about the minutia of this life.
In Leviticus, I learned from reading about the law… that God cares about the details, very much…and He has great expectations for our obedience.
In Numbers, I learned from the Israelites…that a lack of belief and trust in God limits the abundant life He desires for us. The people did not trust that God would help them conquer in the land, and so they wandered in the wilderness until the next generation was ready and able. I don’t want to ever miss God’s best for me!
In Deuteronomy, I learned from Moses…he walked and talked with God face to face and there can be profound intimacy with God. I want that kind of intimacy! I also desire to honor and obey Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to teach my children to do the same.
In Joshua, I learned from Caleb and Joshua…to be strong and very courageous…for the Lord goes before me and He is with me wherever I go.
In Judges, I learned from the people of Israel…they were so unstable…obeying the Lord…then caving to idolatry and immorality…then repenting again. And God so compassionately forgave them each time, and brought about a judge to save them from their wrongdoing. I don’t want to be unstable, but instead be full of the fear of the Lord and daily obedience to Him.
In Ruth, I saw profound imagery of what was to come…that ultimately as Boaz was Ruth’s kinsman redeemer, so Jesus would be the kinsman redeemer of all mankind. I also was profoundly moved to realize again, that God uses Ruth, a gentile Moabite woman, to be the source and lineage of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as Ruth is the grandmother of King David.
In 1 Samuel, I learned from Saul…that pride and jealousy are a dead-end. God prefers obedience to repentance.
And a pursuit of Him…leads to a death to self…
which kills pride and jealousy…and brings character refinement.
In 2 Samuel, I learned from David…to sing praise to God, to trust in His great name, to remember how He saves and rescues, and how His mercies are new every morning, His love is unfailing, His compassion great, and His forgiveness complete. And even when we fail and sin, there is nothing that can separate us from His love…
Romans 8:37-39 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May your day be blessed!
What have you learned in your Bible reading lately?
Linked with Good Morning Girls
Thanks for posting about your adventure in reading the Bible in 90 days…just today I was hungering for a read through of at least, say the book of Isaiah…and my mind even wandered to the Chronological Bible gathering dust in a pile in the basement. I think I will go dig it out and start tonight to take the 90 day challenge…it might bring up to about Thanksgiving 🙂
Ah! That’s wonderful…trusting you are really enjoying your time reading chronologically…it was LIFE-CHANGING for me 🙂