In Real Life…
…I’m a mess at times, and much more broken than I seem.
In real life I long to belong.
I long to relate.
I long to connect.
I long to know and be known by another.
In real life, with each life change and circumstance shift, I’m being stretched and challenged. And I am growing and changing and learning so much…
- I’m realizing that it is in the dark places that His light comes to illuminate the parts of my heart that need to change.
- I’m seeing that it is in the pain and brokenness of life, that His greatest work of maturing can be accomplished in me.
- I‘m acknowledging that my heart can be pieced together by the super glue of His love…by the transforming and redeeming power it brings.
And as I choose to relinquish my control of the situations, and instead surrender to His Sovereignty and plan, my trust in Him grows and I can become the praise…
- Praise by my choice…
- Praise in spite of the ache…
- Praise despite the loss…
- Praise irregardless of solitude or rejection or circumstance…
Irregardless of the feelings, it is the action of my own choice to worship anyway, that restores. It is the choice to give thanks for ALL He gives that transforms.
And even if, in these broken moments of life, my only praise is a broken hallelujah, it is what I WILL choose to give.
For in real life, although I may never understand, I know He is good…and I know He is God.
May we choose to sing, praise, worship and give thanks in ALL circumstances. And may we trust He is good, and really know He is God, is my prayer.
Hebrews 13:15-16 (NASB) Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
And here, a song by Mandisa, that inspired my words today…
When all that I can sing, is a broken hallelujah,
When my only offering is shattered praise,
Still a song of adoration, will rise up from these ruins,
I will worship you and give you thanks,
Even when my only praise, is a broken hallelujah.
In what situation have you chosen to give worship and praise amidst your brokenness?
lovely. Very well said.
Good work.. thank you………..
Love it, Jacqui. I needed this. If I trust that He loves me, I have to trust that the brokenness will lead to beauty.
Yes, friend….brokenness into beauty…only Him!
Thank you for your words. Sometime I just need a reminder . . . He is there, He loves me, and He will turn my brokenness into something beautiful.