There I am, standing in the vastness of the auditorium, in the presence of thousands…my high-maintenance-morning-Starbucks drink in the cupholder…and the worship slowing…a pause, for us to all ponder and consider Him.
And my eyes catch the glimpse of the cross on the wall, illuminated from behind. And my mind flashes to the images of Him upon it. And I am humbled, and bowed low and in awe.
My eyes look to the row’s end, and then is when I see him. My oldest son serving. Him, far across the room, helping to serve part of Him…helping us remember ALL He has done. And in the beholding of that, the tears come fast and furious, a flow of profound thanks from within.
It is Him who had given me the gift of him, that December…my very first baby, my perfect Christmas gift…this oldest son who began my mama journey…and now him serving…{sigh}…and I am indescribably full and overwhelmed with the goodness of Him.
And with the beautiful piano music playing, and the trays passing…it is all done in this moment to consider Him…
- To consider the cost,
- The laying of it all down.
- The surrender of His authority,
- Of His place of power,
- Of His rights and desire…
Philippians 2:6-8 (NASB) Although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
And He did all this for me…because of His GREAT love for me…that I might find HOPE in HIM.
And I sit quietly, amidst the crowd, riding the waves of joy and hope within.
And oh how I have needed this grace and mercy in my life…and how I need it still.
And it is, everytime we do this in remembrance of Him, how I really know and remember how very much I have needed this in my life. My sin ever before me…yet I’m forgiven and free…And because of my great need, and because of Him who meets me, I am so very moved. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.
- How can I possibly repay that debt?
- What words can I mumble in this quiet solitary moment?
- What can I do to show Him the depths of my gratitude?
- To thank Him for the hope He gives?
He took the punishment that I deserved, and He ransomed me, an underserved pardon…
And I don’t deserve this. There are no words.
And yet is it words He longs to hear from me? Is it words He would desire?
- Isn’t it instead, the innner transformation of my heart,
- The propeling of my soul toward intimacy with Him,
- The incessant pursuit of abiding, that He’s after?
Yes. It is…
- Me bearing fruit and loving others as myself…
- Learning of Him and following His example…
- To extend His grace and mercy,
- To love as He loves,
- To give as He gives,
- To serve as He served,
- To become the blessing to those who need His hope…
And in all this is the honoring of the pardon. The cherishing of the ransom… Walking each day in this new life He’s given. My life longing to bring glory to Him and all He has done for me.
And I take the bread, and the cup, and I pause.
Me in awe and undone and overwhelmed by the grace I have so needed and have humbly received, and the hope He brings.
And I give thanks with my whole heart. This mercy and grace so undeserved. And a life of thanks the least I can give. To look for the blessings in each moment, and to search for ways to bless someone else. To become the blessing and the extension of His grace and mercy in a moment…so many moments…so much hope, and so much to give thanks for…
And my prayer, that you may know Him who has pardoned and ransomed you, and that as you give thanks, you may become His blessing to others, sharing the hope that is within you.
And the gifts I’m still counting…
#954 Transforming adolescent attitudes
#955 Blogs that inspire and enlighten
#956 An evening September walk in the desert
#957 Divine appointments with patients
#958 Mountain cabins
#959 A new good morning girls session
#960 A thank you text from a friend
#961 An evening of corporate worship, raw and extended
What are you thanking Him for this day?
Beautiful post…may the cross never cease to undo us…and thanks flow from the endless fountain of gratitude. I ask along with you…to become the blessing…extension of His Grace and Mercy.
Yes…”never cease to undo us”, with endless gratitude…may your day be blessed!
Yes…”never cease to undo us”, with endless gratitude…may your day be blessed!
Dropped by from Ann’s. . .your joy is infectious!