To be filled, we must first be empty. To be used, we must be hollow and open–available and ready. And as those who love God, we are His. We are the vessels on this earth who shine His glory. Because He has chosen us to hold the greatness of His power that is only from Him and not from ourselves.
2 Corinthians 4:7 (NASB) But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves.
Yet to be filled with His power and shine His glory requires an emptying–a pouring out of ourselves, to make room for Him. And this pouring, well, it is often in the form of self-denial, surrender, and even brokenness. It is in the weakness of our own despair that our emptiness makes a hollow space, a space in us to be filled with Him. It is in the emptying that we relinquish our control and surrender to God, for Him to have His will and way.
And we see this example set for us by Jesus Himself, as He chose to willingly give up the authority that was rightly His. It was Jesus who showed us how to humble ourselves in the face of suffering. It was Him who displayed the choice of willingly emptying Himself. He poured out His own will and way. He surrendered to the Father’s plan. He showed us by example, how to bend to God’s Sovereign way, even though it would mean such suffering, anguish and pain.
Philippians 2:5-7 (NASB) Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
And we are called to have this same attitude. To willingly choose to be emptied. To volunteer to pour out our wants and desires, our plans and our ways, to make room for His way in us. It is only when we are empty and spilled out, that His glory and power may fill that hollowed space, and shine in and through us for all to see.
How have you chosen to be emptied? What have you poured out?
How has God filled you?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
“It is in the emptying that we relinquish our control and surrender to God, for Him to have His will and way.”
Jaque, you said it with such grace here, I constantly am learning to live empty so that He can fill the space. More of Him, less of me. Fasting from desserts this lenten season feels a little foolish and weak but I am amazed at how He is stirring in me through this tiny act of obedience. He faithfully meets us when we come to Him, what a gift. Blessings, sweet sister-friend!
So true. In that quest for a full life, it’s so easy to forget that in order for God to fill us, we must empty ourselves.
THANKS, Jacque, for reminding me of this …….I really need to practice it. Will read your words over and over! Still need prayer for health issues hub and I are having. Blessings!!!
great post…we went the same direction…you expounded it so well…empty to be filled by him…hallowed out places….thanks for this…blessings~
So hard to empty ourselves and then allow HIM to refill our places inside … so necessary but so hard to relinquish it, like the song ‘fill my cup Lord’… I must allow HIM to do the work.
Yes, His faithfulness such a gift and I too am hourly striving for less of me and more of Him. May it be so for us all…
I also find the business of life crowding it, and distracting me from willingly laying down my way and being filled with His.
You’re so welcome!
Thank you always Ro for your encouraging words to me and for your friendship!
Always it’s in the surrender, like Ann V says, the opening of the clenched fists, the grasping of gratitude, allowing Him to bring the joy. Blessings to you!
In our weakness, our emptiness . . .”A space to be filled with Him”. This is a beautiful truth.
I enjoyed your post. And I noticed that you also are a labor/delivery nurse.
“To willingly choose to be emptied.” I cry out to the Lord to empty me, so that I might be filled with more of Him. I am constantly checking the attitude of my heart. Do my words line up with my heart’s desire?
Thank you! And yes, I just love working in L&D and it’s always a delight to meet another nurse!! So glad you stopped by 🙂
An attitude of willingness is my heart’s desire too, thanks Barbie!