I love to eat, and most of all I love dessert. And I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve had a temporary addiction to Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt lately, which is dangerous to both my waistline and my wallet.
I think about eating Pinkberry hours before I do, and just imagining that sweet frozen swirl of goodness, with the strawberries and granola on top, makes me long for it all the more. And I’m convinced the longing and anticipation makes it all the more satisfying.
Lately I’ve been so hungry for it that I’ve been stopping by several times each week, and they’re starting to recognize me there! Which is frightening, since the baristas at Starbucks already know my name too. Isn’t it bad enough for one place to know you, let alone two? Yikes! I told you this was embarrassing!
Really, there are few things as satisfying as eating something you’ve been craving. We all have that one food we just can’t get enough of—that one thing we hunger for above all others. And when we finally consume it, the feeling of contentment is so great that it addicts us to want it all the more. And we feel so very happy.
Makarios, the greek word for blessed, literally means to be supremely happy–to be fortunate or well off. And who doesn’t want to be supremely happy?
Matthew 5:6-8 (ESV) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Jesus says we will be supremely happy, that we’ll be blessed, when we hunger and thirst for righteousness…
When we crave to do what’s right with an insatiable drive that just can’t get enough.
When we are addicted to the feeling of choosing His way, the right way, in each and every moment.
Our ongoing process of becoming like Jesus, of becoming righteous, is a process that He works in us, when we ask Him to. And it’s a process that satisfies.
God doesn’t ask us to do things His way to cramp our style.
His directives aren’t meant to decrease our fun or enjoyment at all.
He asks me to obey Him because He knows it will be the conduit by which I am the most supremely happy and satisfied.
Because He longs to bless me.
And I long to be blessed.
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve begun to learn from Matthew 5 exactly how to live a blessed life…
When I recognize my own depravity and when I mourn my sinful heart,
When I am gentle and meek toward God and others,
When I hunger to do what’s right,
And when I show mercy to another and give grace when it’s undeserved.
After all, that’s what Jesus did for us.
And in all this, when our hearts are pure, Jesus promises we will see God. He will be close and He will be near.
And I love that it’s not about perfection, it’s about motive. It’s not about accomplishment, it’s about effort.
Because God doesn’t look upon the outer appearance, He looks at our hearts.
This week, may you feel the blessing of God as you pursue Him, and may you be overwhelmed by His presence that is with you wherever You are.
And as you long to be satisfied and supremely happy, may it be so for you, is my prayer.
What do you usually depend upon to make you happy?
How has doing what’s right been satisfying to you?
This week on to Matthew 5:9-10 (ESV)…
{WEEK 4} Matthew 5:9-10 (ESV) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. b a t p f t s b c s o g b a t w a p f r s f t i t k o h
Thank you so much for this post! When you started talking about your frozen yogurt and Starbucks addiction, I seriously thought you might have been spying on me! I find caffeine and “treats” to be what I often turn to just to get through the day (I have two young kids). While these are definitely gifts from God, I have been praying about how to enjoy them properly without “needing” them. Shopping has also been a temptation for me. Such a fine line! My prayer is that God will give me as much craving for Himself as I have for these earthly blessings (sadly, I ‘m not there yet), and eventually much more. Thank you for your writing! I recently discovered your blog (through Ann Voskamp) and I totally love it!
I’m SO glad to know I’m not alone!And thank you so much for stopping in and blessing me with your kinds words 🙂 Be encouraged! We are all on a journey toward Him, one little moment at a time…blessings to you!
I always love popping in to read what you are seeing while you are memorizing~ so thankful He looks at our hearts…and that He will satisfy our thristy souls. Oh as good and pinkberry and starbucks are…He excedes them all:) I am known too where I get my coffee fix…blessings and keep memorizing:)
Lol! I love it! So thankful for you 🙂