Sometimes a random act of kindness can change everything.
I have to admit, this morning was rough. I sluggishly woke to the energetic banter of all four of them, and we were already late, as usual. I told them to get ready to go, and they nodded and scattered. And I counted on them to obey.
The littlest asked for two braids and I put them in, but as I was almost done, she cried and argued, insisting it was all wrong—that she had wanted pigtails instead. But we were late and I wasn’t in the mood. It’s always a negotiation with this baby of the family. She has so many opinions at age four! And her protesting went on and on, but I did not cave. Two braids it would be.
I gathered myself and descended the stairs, ready to load everyone up in the car. But apparently my oldest daughter had decided to ignore me and play in her pajamas instead of eating and getting ready. Awesome. Let’s just say my words to her were not full of patient instruction. That’s all you need to know.
My youngest son chose long-sleeves for this 90-degree day. So up the stairs I trekked to give him a short sleeve shirt that matched. And then he began to cry because we were leaving and he was hungry. But he too had chosen to play with his sister instead of get ready. Maybe a hungry stomach will help him remember to obey next time? Does that make me mean?
My oldest son protested against wearing a hat to protect his face from the sun, which I suppose sunscreen would have solved, but he protested about combing his hair too. So I informed him, a hat it would be. And I’m pretty sure under the brim there was some rolling of the eyes in silent protest too. I’m such an unreasonable mom, you know.
It’s hard to put in words and recreate these morning moments for you to really see, but suffice it to say I had choices too and I will admit I wasn’t in my most glorious form this morning.
I raised my voice a little too loud,
rolled my eyes a little too much,
and just plain felt like I was climbing a mountain just trying to do this mothering thing.
Uphill all the way.
I dropped off the two oldest at the park for their morning of activities, and continued on with the youngest two in tow.
And what does a discouraged mom decide to do? Go to Starbucks of course!
And no sooner do I reach the front of the line, than the barista with the headphone-thingy from the drive-through rushes over to the counter with a random debit card.
“The lady in the drive-thru wants to pay for your order…” she said.
And at first I’m not sure I hear her right. And that’s when I look over and see her, my sweet friend from church, sitting in her SUV with her three kids in tow.
And she smiles and waves and blesses my heart all at the same time.
She had no idea the kind of morning I’d had. No clue what I’d faced in the last hour.
But she had decided to do something. No strings attached. Without seeing a need, she just made a decision. She decided to give, in the way she knew how in that moment. And she blessed me.
And can you believe that her small act of being kind changed my day?
It did. It really did.
I already knew in my heart I was needing to get a hold of my attitude.
I knew I needed to put on the clothing of Colossians 3,
and the Fruit of Galatians 5.
But to be honest…I just wanted to loathe a bit longer in the pity of my situation, before forcing myself to die to my flesh and surrender to His way.
I was getting around to giving thanks … I was just putting it off a bit more.
How sad is that? I do this to myself. Why am I so slow to choose joy?
Can you relate?
But her gift, it catapulted me forward … jump-started my gratitude, and helped me in just the right way.
And we have that power, you and me.
We have been blessed to become the blessing, even in the tiniest ways.
You and I can make that kind of difference.
We really can!
How about we open our eyes and our hearts TODAY, and look for even the smallest way we can become the gift?
Because what may seem small to you, might just change everything for them.
Have you ever been the recipient of someone’s random act of kindness? How were you changed?
How has giving to someone else changed you?
Continuing on, in the counting of One Thousand Gifts {#1486-1500} with Ann and this community, and the Joy Dare of 2012…with June’s printable.
#1486 A no-children weekend away in San Diego
#1487 The invitation to do a half-marathon in October…yikes!
#1488 A day at the pool with friends
#1489 A job I love
#1490 Late nights writing
#1491 Podcasts, and Bible Study, and my eyes being opened
#1492 The help of my in-laws…how would I make it without them!
#1493 Starbucks chai tea lattes and tiny acts of kindness
#1494 Homeschool planning
#1495 The anticipation of She Speaks in July
#1496 Our new good morning girl
#1497 Six weeks spent discipling six ladies and the joy and gratitude we all found together
#1498 Uninterrupted sleep
#1499 Joyful new blog designs…here , here , here and here
#1500 Meditating on Matthew 5 and all its richness
*Linking with The Better Mom and Playdates
Oh…oh your description is perfect because you could be describing any number of us…oh when mine where young…trying to get them out the door…ouch…oh for Grace….and what a sweet gift from God…just a little kiss on your cheek to say I love you…and doesn’t that always just turn us toward His heart…His love and that is what transforms us.
I love the line about the youngest…always negotiation…she has so many option…just today as i was driving back from getting the baby of the family her license…13 years from the oldest to her…we talked of this same thing…she is seeing she is not as responsible as the others…I told her part of that just comes from having so many people she could go to do things for her…and part is my fault…a little lazy parenting to be honest. I was thinking I needed to talk with her about this…but God brought the conviction first…it works so much better when it happens that way…so wonderful…we decide together to work and this weakness in her…God is so faithful…He covers a lot of our mistakes…grace/grace God’s grace…greater than all our mistakes:)
Oh I love…love you picture…sunflower:) the happy flower:)
blessings to you~
Oh Ro, thank you so much for your encouragement and your friendship that comes alongside and helps me know that I can make it. To see you a few years ahead and where you are inspires me so! Have a blessed day 🙂
Ah, God is so good! I love how He blessed you. He truly cars about all the details of our daily lives.
Yes, Amanda…He *really* does!
How fabulous! Nothing like being blessed and being the blesser.
Pass it on and keep it going!
Yes! Thank you Mari!
I can so relate with trying to get everyone around and not having the fruit of patience in me when I so desperately need it! I think being a mother is far more about lessons for ME to learn than it is about any lessons I might manage to teach to them-my kiddos.
And unexpected kindnesses, straight from God Himself. They are so awesome!
Just yesterday I was thoroughly humbled by a gift I gave. I was far more blessed than the friend who was the receiver. When she told me how much she needed what I had given, I was blown away. I felt so small to be used by God. And I know it was God.
Exactly…that IS so powerful, to be used by Him. And it was also wonderful to be loved by Him through the kindness of another, as I’m sure your friend told you. Just awesome indeed … Blessings to you, Deborah!
Didn’t the old rock song say, “Mamma said there’d be days like this?” Altho my two sons, both Aspies, are 21 and 14, I still have days like this! As my sons have gotten older, I have begun to talk and pray w/ them about being encouragers of each other at home 1st so that we can encourage others outside the home as well. What an inspiring post you have written and how it resonates with every mom no matter what her season of parenting! Sharing it on my f/b wall and with my local homeschooling group! Blessings to you in your journey especially on the days when it is 2 forward and 1.5 backward!
Our youth group has been doing “Random Acts of Kindness” for the past three weeks as sort of a summer project, and let me just say that it has changed us all – for the better. Even as “just” a mom of two of these teens that have been participating, I have been so blessed to see the reactions from the recipients and the softening of hearts. My 13 year old said after the first night that she learned a very important lesson – “Never judge anyone.” After walking up and handing a bag of groceries to a stranger who, because of his appearance, was a little intimidating, and then being greeted with a smile and a whole-hearted “Thank you!” – my daughter’s eyes were opened in a way they had never been before. We’ve been driving around random neighborhoods, handing out bottled water to people jogging, walking, or mowing yards; taking flowers and candy to nurses’ stations at the hospital; delivering doughnuts to the police and fire departments; taping coins to vending machines in random locations; etc.. So many good things to be done if we just open our eyes and see the possibilities. 🙂
Oh Carol Anne, *thank you* for this. Your words encourage me so much, and I think you are right, this will always be the reality in whatever season of parenting, but it is the journey, the here and the now, that brings the joy…I’m giving thanks for that!
This is simply extraordinary! Thank you so much for sharing this. May many hearts be moved and changed by the kindness each one of us can give. Have a blessed week!