There’s something about dreaming that comes alive when we don’t have to dream alone.
When we have someone to call when that crazy thought blips into our mind.
Or when we meet for coffee and share a part of our heart with a friend,
Coming alongside each other, praying for and cheering each other on!
For the past few months I’ve been a part of a group of women led by the amazing Holley Gerth, and together we’ve been dreaming God-sized dreams. Because Holley is a dreamer, and her heart is to encourage women with hope that even their wildest dreams can come true.
In fact this past week, while I was on vacation, Holley’s newest book was released, and it’s a perfect follow-up to her first book.
You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You
is now available, and I can’t say enough about how inspiring it is!
Dreams can be scary in a sense because they’re often vague hopes deep within our hearts—ideas and intuitions which are difficult to define or even verbalize at all. In fact just daring to admit our dreams to our own selves can really be half the battle. And through her new book, Holley gives us permission to delve deep and dream big … to dream God-sized dreams and dare to believe that God can and will make them happen—to know He will fulfill them no matter how big or small they are.
I can say as our team has dared to name our dreams and share them with others, our faith continues to be strengthened as He works and moves in our lives.
And you know what?
He wants to do that for you too!
In His lovingkindness and unending mercy, He wants to make your wildest dreams come true.
Because He made you and your dreams.
He’s rooting for you and He loves you so!
So just in case you’re skeptical about all this dreaming, wondering if your deepest darkest dream is too big after all, would you dare to take this journey with us anyway?
Would you dare to grab a copy of Holley’s new book and begin to name and explore your God-sized dreams whatever they may be?
And could it be, that maybe, just maybe, you’ll find God’s favor and pleasure and experience His love like you’ve never known it before. Because He’s like that … He’s a God who just can’t wait to give and bless our lives in abundance … to overflowing.
…I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10b (ESV)
Won’t you join us?
Are you a hesitant dreamer? Why or why not?
Big or small, what is your God-sized dream?
So looking forward to reading this book!
(and what a beautiful photo, Jacque!)
Thank you so much of my pictures from our recent trip…at Akaka Falls near Hilo, HI. What a treat for you to visit me here…sure wishing I could see you at Jumping Tandem, blessings!