Hi friend! My name is Jacque Watkins and I’m a podcaster, registered nurse, mom of five, and growing essential oils and natural health enthusiast, who is also a member of the Oily Sisterhood– a vibrant and fast growing community of wonderful women seeking natural health alternatives.
Surprisingly, these essential oils have been CHANGING MY LIFE and have become SUCH a blessing to me and my family. I am learning more and more about them everyday and how they are so effective at helping keep us healthy and well.
And you must know. This is a huge deal, because for years I was very skeptical on so many levels.
It’s probably because I am a science girl with a degree in Biology and in Nursing. I’m always searching for the evidence behind something and seek to understand not only how something works, but why too.
But listen. The thing is, I’d been turned off oils from the very beginning, even though I’d known blogging friends who used them. I had suspected they were a trend and nothing more than a good scent, ineffective in any impactful way. But oh how ignorant I had been!
Also I was very suspicious of network marketing. In my mind it carried a stigma of pushy and salesy. I think YOU know what I mean. That person who always posts about their “thing”–the thing they’re always wanting you to buy. The thing that takes over every conversation and every interaction. I never wanted to be THAT person. And I wrongly assumed that in order to participate and use essential oils, it was a requirement to be that way. I now know I couldn’t have been more wrong, but that is also a big reason I ignored them, why I chose not to learn about them, and stayed away.
But the thing is, I’m a smells kind of girl. I LOVE smells. So while ignoring essential oil companies, I purchased lavender at the drug store, then at a farmer’s market, and then online, only to have my suspicions confirmed that oils were something that smelled good, but were otherwise ineffective for any other purpose. So I continued on with my candles, perfumes and lotions, ignoring this essential oils craze, and determining to stay far away.
But that all changed when, out of desperation, I reached out to my doctor-friend Edie, because I was in desperate need of some help. We’d been friends for several years and had most recently been online business accountability partners.
On a trip to Tennessee to visit her for her book launch party of her memoir, All the Pretty Things, I confided in her my health struggle and asked her opinion and help as a physician and as my friend.
And that’s when she shared with me about Young Living essential oils. Now the thing is, we’d been online friends for four years and worked weekly all summer creating online courses together and she’d never shared about Young Living with me. Oh I knew she dabbled in essential oils, but I had no idea about them or what she used them for.
At first I was apprehensive and still skeptical. But because I was desperate and because she was my friend as well as a doctor, I leaned in to listen. That’s when she recommended some essential oils to me, and finally I decided to at least give them a try. And!! Oh. My. Word. I couldn’t even believe it. I never thought they’d work. But I became convinced, amazed, and wowed. And that’s why I’m daring to share with you here because if you’re at a place where you’re more open than I was for years, maybe they could bless you too.
You must know that because they truly work, they’ve changed my daily life by supporting me both physically and emotionally too. And as I’ve looked into them more and reviewed some of the research that exists, they really are a legitimate thing. Both helpful and life-changing.
What’s so crazy is that as a nurse, I administer medications to patients all the time. As a patient advocate, I’m always educating patients about the host of side effects they may experience from any particular drug they’re taking. It’s part of my job. Truthfully, taking medications is not without risk, and often the side effects of a drug have the potential to cause more harm than good in the long run.
It’s also interesting that in modern medicine we’re very good at caring for people once they are already sick, if they’ve been diagnosed with a disease, or if they’re in need of surgery or life-saving treatment. But in general, we are not very good at prevention and wellness, which as a nurse and patient advocate I am so very committed to supporting. With 250,000 deaths per year due to the pharmaceuticals or iatrogenic causes and the incredible cost of health care in our country, there has to be a better way.
And this is what I’m learning about essential oils, they can bridge this health care gap so beautifully!
Here’s a short video from my friend Edie about some of the ways they’ve helped her!

I’ve been using YL essential oils for a only a short while, but I fully expected them to make little difference in my life. I figured they’d just make a room smell good, or have a placebo effect and make me think they were helping. I never anticipated they would literally change my life in very obvious ways.
In the beginning I was sure my results were a coincidence, and then I tried a different oil for a different issue and also saw a result. Much to my surprise, this continues to happen over and over with these amazing molecules God has deposited in plants, and I’m more convinced than ever that their effectiveness and benefit to me are not coincidences at all. It’s truly surprised me so much.
This led me to put on my investigative hat, since I’m a nurse who understands the power of research and evidence-based practice. I set out to investigate and have since discovered that there are thousands of journal articles documenting the power of essential oils as being effective in a wide variety of circumstances. I’m convinced that these medicinal grade essential oils from Young Living are way more than just hype–that they’re actually designed by God to help us.
They also hold the power to support healthy emotions, reduce stress, and help us calm and heal, and have added immense value to my life.
I’m learning that essential oils promote wellness, boost your immunity, and help remove toxins from our bodies. And I’m convinced that like me, the only thing you’re going to wish when you finally decide to take the plunge, is that you wish you would have taken it sooner. And I speak from experience!
If you’ve just been waiting for the right opportunity to try them, you’ve come to the right place! We have an amazing support system for helping you get started using essential oils and all of Young Living’s wonderful products, including non-toxic and all-natural cleaners, soaps, lotions, a wide variety of vitamins, probiotics, and many essential-oil-infused supplements. Personally, I’m working on replacing my medicine cabinet and household cleaning supplies with pure, natural non-toxic alternatives for a FRACTION of the cost. And they smell so SO good!
And how can I not mention one of the best parts? Enjoying a beautiful sisterhood community atmosphere in our FB groups with access to continuing education and community learning in all of our private classes and webinars.
So whether you’re struggling with low energy level, hormone imbalance, a compromised immune system or just not feeling yourself, I’d love you to give them a try. Of course I completely understand if you’re skeptical too..worried I’ve become one of THOSE kind of people. And I promise you I have not. And maybe like me, you need more time. It’s not a right fit right now.
But if you’re open, and share my heart of hating the network-y salesy approach, I’d love to have you consider joining me. To enjoy these amazing essential oils in a safe and sane and beautiful sisterhood!
If you’re ready for your own premium starter kit I’d love you to join me on this journey. This kit includes so much goodness and as a kit makes your total value around $375 worth of products for $160.
- 1. Click here to begin the enrollment process. It’s super easy!
- 2. Wholesale Member will already be pre-checked. Again, this is the wholesale membership…with NO strings attached. It is AMAZING! (If you select “Retail Customer” you will not receive wholesale pricing, you won’t have access to starter kits and you will pay retail cost which is 24% more than wholesale, so a wholesale membership is your best bet).
- 3. Make sure my member number {10228815} is in both the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID spots.
- 4. PLEASE be sure to include your email address. If you don’t, I have no way to invite you to our Facebook support groups and I can’t support you as you begin your journey with essential oils. I love our private FB page and learn more and more everyday how people are using and having success with the oils…it’s a community!
- 5. Choose the kit you want. {I highly recommend the PREMIUM KIT.} It’s the first kit you see when you are signing up.
- This next step is easily declined and can be added later at any time, but I do highly recommend choosing an essential rewards kit either now or with your first order later. I get free stuff every month by being on this program. AND I get reduced shipping too. And I can change the contents of my order and the date my order is auto-shipped every month. There’s a $50 monthly minimum to participate in this essential rewards rebate program, but is easily spent on replacements oils, supplements, toothpaste, or cleaning products, AND you can opt out at any time. (I would personally choose the Ningxia Red kit because this is our fountain of youth drink. It’s the most powerful anti-oxidant drink in the world and its anti-inflammatory effects have been remarkable).
- 6. That’s it! Your oils will be on their way to your doorstep!
We now have over 3000 people in our awesome group and there is so much support within our Oily Sisterhood group to help you get started!
To join us, I’ve included step by step instructions below, and make sure my number 10228815 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields when you begin the sign-up process on this page.
Signing up for a wholesale account, you will get 24% off retail prices and with our private FB group you’ll receive the help you need to get you started on your journey!
AND? If the oils intimidate you, we have a Ningxia Red starter kit (Ningxia Red is Young Living’s super juice anti-oxidant drink) OR a Thieves starter kit that will help you begin replacing so many of the toxins in your home and life.
Why Should I Become A Wholesale Member?
This is the way to get your oils at 24% off retail price! It is always awesome to get this discount. As you use the oils and you share your testimonials with friends and family, you have the OPTION {100% OPTIONAL!} of earning commissions when others join and purchase Young Living oils. There is NEVER any obligation to buy a certain amount or ever share YL with others. Never!! It’s a win-win!
Is there a monthly order minimum?
No. You can just order what you need when you need it! WE LOVE THIS!
I just really want to use oils myself. Do I ever have to sell Young Living products?
No! There is NO obligation at all to sell oils when you join as a wholesale member. However, if you ever change your mind, you can jump right in and the sky is the limit. I personally choose to just share it online or with friends who ask me about it first. It is a no-pressure kind of thing, and I will not lie… the monthly check is love.lyyyyy!
Are you sure there are no monthly order requirements?
There is NO, zilch, zero, REQUIREMENT. To retain an active ‘wholesale member’ account, you simply have to place one 50PV {approx. $50} minimum order per year. If you miss that deadline, you can reactivate your account by calling Young Living Customer Care with a 100PV (product value) order. Sometimes, as a promotion, they even waive this minimum order requirement to reactivate. But again, this is just to keep, what YL calls, “active status.”
If someone wants to join Young Living through me, what do I give them?
You simply just give them your member number and tell them to go to youngliving.com and put your number in as “sponsor” and “enroller” and then they also get a wholesale membership and a premium starter kit. They will have access to the support of our Facebook groups just like you do! It’s a wonderful way to get started with Young Living!
Is there a way to save even more money?
Yes! The Essential Rewards program offers reduced shipping, generous credit for free oils & more! Plus each month there are great promotions for free oils when you place an Essential Rewards order. This is so amazing and I’ve received so many free oils already!!
What is the catch?
There is none. Period. To be clear, again, I do make a commission from the company when you make your purchase. That motivates me to share, of course, but the main reason I share Young Living oils is because I love them, they work and they have blessed our family. I’m so thankful for you enrolling as a ‘wholesale member’ via my links!
- 1. Click here to begin the enrollment process. It’s super easy!
- 2. Wholesale Member will already be selected. Again, this is the wholesale membership…with NO strings attached. It is AMAZING! If you select “Retail Customer” you will not receive wholesale pricing, you won’t have access to starter kits and you will pay retail cost which is 24% more than wholesale.
- 3. Make sure my member number {10228815} is in both the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID spots.
- 4. PLEASE be sure to include your email address. If you don’t, I have no way to invite you to our Facebook support groups and I can’t support you as you begin your journey with essential oils. I love this FB page and am on there a lot learning more and more everyday how people are using and having success with the oils.
- 5. Choose the kit you want. {I highly recommend the PREMIUM KIT.} It’s the first kit you see when you are signing up.
- I highly recommend choosing an essential rewards kit. I get free stuff every month by being on this program. AND reduced shipping. And I can change the contents and date of my autoship every month. There’s a $50 monthly minimum, which I easily spend! (I would personally choose the Ningxia Red kit because this is our fountain of youth drink. It’s the most powerful antioxidant drink in the world and its anti-inflammatory effects have helped me get out my OTC addiction to Motrin!)
- 6. That’s it! Your oils will be on their way to your doorstep!
If you have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. My email is [email protected]. OR you can call or text me, YES! at (951)444-5944 and I’d be happy to chat with you to help you in any way. xoxo
Some everyday uses for our everyday oils!
As soon as you get enrolled, I’ll get you plugged in to our awesome Private Oily Sisterhood community of support.
CLICK HERE to get started!!
And Welcome!!!!!