To be relevant in this world is to love as He loves.
To see the world through His eyes…with grace and mercy… beyond ourselves.
To be His hands and feet on this earth to one another,
To notice the one alone–the one who’s new–the anxious heart present in the room,
To really see the need, by searching it out and seizing the moment, and making a difference–one simple interaction at a time.
And it is only His great love for us, and His power working through us, that allows us to love like that.
It is only by His grace that our capacity for another’s heart, is extended–far beyond our selfish selves. Our eyes are opened to reach beyond our tendencies to exclude another.
And as we love like this, we are extensions of Him to one another.
We become one in spirit, all members of one body, spurring one another on to love beyond limits, making a difference in a relevant and life-changing way.
And today, in this place, I have met this kind of relevant life-giving love, and I am so very thankful.
John 15:12 This is my commandment that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
How have you given or received this kind of relevant, life-changing love?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to just write five minutes, without worrying if it’s just right or not, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt: Relevant…
Once again, it is all about Him, not the world!
amen… to love as He loves…this was my heart today as well..
Blessings to you day as you fellowship with others…
I love that photo of your Relevant flair! And it was so special to meet you in person Jacque. Thank you for sharing your heart here with us on Fridays and in person at Relevant!
Love the picture! And so thankful you were one of the ones God brought into my path at Relevant…
And so special to meet you too. I adore five minute Fridays and have learned so much from practicing and from the wisdom you shared at Relevant. Thank you for visiting me in this, my little space, and for inspiring me to want to become a writer. Many blessings to you!
And I too am thankful to have met you!
Yes, ALL about Him!
I love how our hearts can hear similarly from Him!