This past fall I have rushed like a mad-woman, at a ridiculous pace. I strive, like Ann says, to slow time with the weight of my full attention–with the weight of being fully in the present moment. And while I do long for that, I’ve given myself so many hats to wear and so much to accomplish in my awake hours (which by the way, are many), that I seem to fail much more than I succeed.
And while I’ve made reading God’s word a priority most days, too many days it was late in the evening when I sat down with Him. And to be honest, it wasn’t my best. I was tired. I was spent. And I’m ashamed to admit it, but sometimes I was just checking the task off my list–writing my heart’s prayer in my journal just to say I’d written one.
And that is no way to treat my Savior.
In fact it is a pitiful way, that shows no thanks to Him for all He has given me.
And so today I’m purposing to begin a new habit–a challenge for the next three months…
To wake to Him and bring Him my best.
To rise early in the quiet of the morning with other like-minded sisters,
To read His Word, to journal and to pray,
To exercise,
And to purposefully plan my day,
And to do it all in the quiet hours before the house awakes. I know… this will be a big change for me. (So big that I can’t believe I’m typing these words out to you or even agreeing to this at all. Did I mention I love my sleep??)
But I know what a difference it has made on the days in the past when I have spent time with God at the beginning of my day. It has set the pace, prepared my heart, and focused my mind. My purpose was fresher and my resolve was renewed.
And when I exercise I sleep better. I have more energy and confidence. And intellectually, as a nurse, I know how crucial it is for me to exercise. And to be honest… {whisper}…(I don’t really like exercise, but aren’t there all kinds of things in life that we do, even though we don’t like them? And so, I’m guessing that’s just the way it is, no excuses … so pray for me??)
And it will be new to me to purposefully plan my to-do list and goals for my day before the day begins. Usually I’m putting out fires as the day goes along, hoping to remember the most crucial deadlines hour by hour. And I’m anticipating that this will make the list-maker-love-to-check-off-the-box beaver in me so very complete and satisfied to have a list all ready to go before my day fully begins.
And while I try to establish these new early morning habits, (which is a challenge for this late-night-loving-mama who is even now finishing this post at 12:59 am, yikes!), I am grateful to try amidst the community and accountability of my beautiful Good Morning Girls and Hello Mornings sisters. I’m so thankful not to be in this alone!
Will you pray for me as I embark on this new 3-month-challenge plan? I would be so very thankful!
May your day be blessed!
How do you organize your day?
What order works best for you?
Continuing on, in the counting of One Thousand Gifts {#1196-1210}with Ann and this community, and the Joy Dare of 2012 with a printable…
#1196 A job I love
#1197 New sod in our backyard
#1198 Warm sunshine and a mountain to wake to yesterday, and fresh rain today
#1199 #hmc2
#1200 New design possibilities
#1201 Ann’s blog
#1202 A new friendship beginning
#1203 Kisses from a clean-shaven face
#1204 New Dansko work clogs
#1205 Learning more about the camera
#1206 Foot Reflexology, chewing gum, and heavy breaths LOL!
#1207 A visit from my daddy
#1208 Laughter with the kids
#1209 New clothes and shoes for him
#1210 His mercies new every morning…
I’m so excited about this session of Hello Mornings! I’m confident it’s going to ROCK!
Love your list, sweet friend! Walk blessed today…
Thank you!
You’re very welcome…
ok, I am curious about Hello Mornings … I much prefer an extra 15 minutes to getting up and prayer has been bumped from the morning before breakfast to … during the commute. The prayer time still grounds me, but I am now officially behind the Bible in a Year challenge my church is doing and so … yeah. definitely checking this out…
You can do it…even if you miss, just pick up the next day where you left off! Also, I sometimes listen to the Bible on my phone app (YouVersion) and it helps!…Blessings to you:)
Kudos to you and the other ladies for embarking on these early morning disciplines. Praying for you….
oh how it helps me to start my day with HIM…and then some exercise…I see such a difference in my day when I do this…Blessings and grace as you journey this road…
love seeing your #1000Gifts, love that you are taking on the HelloMornings challenge with us, may God bless the desire of your heart
#HMC2 is definitely on my blessings list as well this week! Glad for us to get to know each other and encourage each other!
Oh Lindsey, thank you so much!
Oh yes, I do so need grace…thank you friend…
Thank you for visiting me here 🙂
Yes, me too! So thankful you stopped by!