Vivid: strikingly bright or intense, clearly perceptible.
There was a time in my life where my view of God’s grace was dulled–blurred by my arrogance and pride. The problem was I thought I had it all together. Oh, I knew that technically I was a sinner because God’s word says everyone is, but I didn’t really think I was that bad of a sinner.
And I was quick to act the right way and say the right things, and declare to another that God’s grace was complete–capable of handling anything they’ve done. I lovingly told them of God’s love and of His mercy, and how He would meet them right where they were, no matter what. And while what I said was true, my heart’s view of God’s grace was murky and limited–hindered by my ignorance and pride.
You see, it wasn’t until I really needed His grace–after I was faced with the depravity of my own sin, and the magnitude of my failure, that I finally saw it in all its vivid glory. It was only then, when I was so desperate for it, that His grace came into view. A view that was strikingly bright, super intense, and finally clearly perceptible to me.
I saw it vividly, not because it had changed, but because I could finally see.
And as a result, I will never be the same.
When did you first see God’s grace vividly?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
Oh Jaque, this last line,
“A view that was strikingly bright, super intense, and finally clearly perceptible to me. I saw it vividly, not because it had changed, but because I could finally see.”
Yes. This is it for me as well. I feel as if I finally see. Beautiful, my friend. I will be thinking abotu this today. He doesn’t change, He changes us…
Love to you, sweet friend.
I love your words! “A view that was strikingly bright, super intense, and finally clearly perceptible to me. I saw it vividly, not because it had changed, but because I could finally see.” I will take these with me throughout my day.
what a beautiful testimony! so appreciated the sharing.
have a great weekend!
Yes! Taking those blinders off is HUGE in our walk with the Lord. I have only realized that pretty much since I’ve had children. They have a way of bringing out my selfishness and “stuff” like nothing else I’ve experienced! Glory to God!
amen girl! Hey, do you have a button I can add for sisters in bloom? For your blog? If you don’t I can make you one. Let me know. Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations
Yes!! I am so grateful that He has now given me eyes to see, and only because He showed me, truly, what I am, without Him. Praise God!
Yes! I am so thankful for His gift of vivid grace!
You are so right…He changes us!
Thank you for stopping by, blessings to you!
Yes… for eyes to see. I can think of different junctures His grace stood out vivid – clear, sharp moments in my memory, in the midst of sin-sick heart, and a million little glints of light in the everyday moments. Thanks for this, Jacque.
Aww, thank you, may your weekend be wonderful as well!
And isn’t that true how motherhood cultivates and refines us like almost nothing else!
Just emailed you 🙂
Yes…praise! It is ALL Him and I’m so thankful!
So true! It seems like, at all the most difficult points of my life, God’s grace has been the most vivid color weaving through all the blackness.
So beautiful!!! We WILL never be the same. Amen to that!! Thank you for your words! Love you girl 🙂
Oh vivid grace is what I wrote about too….and I also was that girl…who thought she was but then REALLY was radically changed by grace.