Aches, fever, and chills here today, bringing me a greater appreciation for health. I’ve been stopped in my tracks—my body forcing me to be still. Even in the face of all I have to accomplish, even with all the things on my to-do list (things that aren’t going to go away), all day I’ve rested under the covers to combat the chills and to pause…
- To listen to my husband read to me
- To feel my daughter lay beside me
- To listen to the kids play downstairs
- To catch up on my DVR recording of Miss America
- To watch the live telecast of the Grammy Awards
- And to simply just rest
And I’m sensing the refocusing of my gratitude amidst this weary state.
Isn’t it true we often appreciate something more when it’s gone?
Doesn’t loss often refocus us, helping us realize what we’ve had?
Doesn’t it help us see something we’ve possibly taken for granted?
Or failed to value?
And while my loss is a transient loss of wellness related to an easily treatable condition, some of you are facing losses much more serious. Things like financial losses, chronic illnesses, loss of relationships, ongoing depression, family conflicts, or profound loneliness to name just a few.
And today, in the midst of our pain, can we grope together for gratitude anyway?
For this moment can we shift from our suffering?
Can we allow our ache to cause us to look up and give thanks?
While suffering is real, may we lift our eyes today from the pity of our painful path and search for the gifts we may have missed–the ones that have been here the whole time?
And in doing so, may the giving of thanks bring us joy, is my prayer.
What are you struggling with today?
What can you give thanks for anyway?
Continuing on, in the counting of One Thousand Gifts {#1251-1265}with Ann and this community, and the Joy Dare of 2012 with February’s new printable…
#1251 Feeling cherished and loved by my sweet husband
#1252 My wonderful job to return to, and the coworkers who helped me celebrate my birthday
#1253 My mother-in-law and laundry help…so much help
#1254 The blessing of guest-posting over at (in)courage
#1255 A long chat with a friend over Starbucks
#1256 Friday night date with romance
#1257 Readings in Leviticus, and the hope we have in Christ as our ultimate and final sacrifice
#1258 Starting again to memorize Romans 8 even though I’m so behind
#1259 A soft bed to rest in
#1260 Pinkberry yogurt to soothe the throat
#1261 Books to read and shows to watch
#1262 Pajamas with modal
#1263 The efficiency of my husband
#1264 Comforts and cuddles from my sweet girl
#1265 Antibiotics and Ibuprofen…ah, so thankful for them!
oh…one of my favorite things…my husband reading to me…sweetness…we too are passing this around here…yes…can be a gift of time…a pause in life…
Blessings to you and pray for a speedy recovery…
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Hope you feel better soon, drink hot tea, have hot showers, chicken soup and sprite too.