I’ve been participating in Good Morning Girls for over one year now. I just love what they do to support us in spending time reading God’s Word each and every day. If you are in need of some support and accountability to read your Bible daily, I highly recommend joining them.
This session, they are studying the book of Ephesians from January 15th-April 15th. Angela and Courtney share each week on their blog, and provide resources and insight. They are currently in Week 8, and finishing Ephesians chapter 4.
Today, I am honored to be sharing there about putting off our old self and being renewed and remade. About how we all have days where we fail, and how we always have a new chance to bloom again.
A Chance to Bloom
Sometimes we just need to start over. We need a chance to bloom again.
It’s five o’clock and I’m behind.
I need to start dinner, but my 9-year-old daughter sits there with the pencil in her hand, still not finished with her homework.
The boys are arguing with passion over whose turn it is, and by the sound, neither one is intending to back down anytime soon.
The oldest texts me that I’ve forgotten to pick him up, and as I prepare to load everyone into the car, they step on the goldfish that the littlest spilled all over the floor–her attempt to get an afternoon snack all by herself.
And I’m stretched thin. I can always depend on my old self to surface—the one that is long-standing and has worn ruts in my way of relating. And so often I trip on the ruts, and fall.
Won’t you join me over at Good Morning Girls? To continue reading, click here…