I’ve been saving things for a long time. And after having 4 kids in 6 years, it’s not surprising how much I’ve accumulated, and it’s time to pass it on.
Last fall, a co-op friend alerted me to a huge consignment sale in our local area–one they hold twice a year. So last October, we moseyed over on a Sunday afternoon, not sure what to expect. And boy, were we glad we went! We were able to get lots of near new things for a fraction of the cost: clothes, shoes, even Halloween costumes. And we’ve been enjoying them all year-long.
And for their spring sale, I decided to consign. So all week I’ve been sorting and tagging and labeling our things. I’ve held their little clothes, and the bumpers and bedding from their cribs. It’s amazing how a simple blanket or shirt can make you remember … what they were like, what they did, and what you had been thinking.
And I realize my perspective is different than it was then. I’ve softened and relaxed my approach, and I savor life much more than I did. It’s amazing what continuous sleep can do for a person!
For a large part, those years are such a blur. I think I was continuously pregnant or breastfeeding for over seven years. And during that time I was preoccupied with meeting the sheer physical needs they all had. I was so very sleep deprived and juggled so many responsibilities. And standing here in the now, I can see so many things I’ve learned and recognize how I’ve grown.
I give grace more often than I did before.
I try to pick battles more wisely than I used to.
Life is full of more shades of gray than I realized,
And most importantly, I try to be more selective in the battles I pick with myself,
and more generous with the grace I extend to my own heart.
There are lessons that come from just living life–by showing up day in and day out. And I realized they’ve been adding up over the years, accumulating and changing me for the better.
We all live a story, and hopefully learn from our time living it.
I’ve been saving things a little too much–especially the things I’ve learned. I’ve been hoarding them, and shelving their significance, not really sure they’d be useful to anyone else.
But if we’ve learned from our experiences, maybe others could too? Maybe it’s time to share not only my sorted clothes and belongings, but the changes of my heart as well.
This week, as I pass along these items, I am purposing to consider ways I can live a life passing along the pieces of my heart too.
Let’s live lives where instead of keeping things inside, we give them away, willingly and intentionally sharing the lessons we’ve learned. Let’s look for situations to share with others, and actually take a chance.
Let’s give away the ultimate gift … the gift of ourselves.
And while it may be scary, and will certainly be risky, it’s only when we give the gift of ourselves that we’re really giving.
Luke 6:38 (NASB) Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.
Are you willing to inspire someone with your life?
What recent lessons have you learned?
**And if you live in my local area, check out this amazing consignment sale, find out all the info, and even like them on Facebook.
You won’t be sorry!
Just awesome, Jaque. Beautiful!!
Thank you friend!
you have such a beautiful heart. i love reading your inspiring posts!
And I am so thankful for your encouragement. You bless me. Thank you, friend.