Sometimes you just have to have the faith to go under, to trust in the process and hold your breath and blow.
Our new pool was finally finished a few weeks ago, but with it came a whole new level of concern. Our youngest two children don’t know how to swim, and now it’s a matter of life and death that they learn.
So I signed them up for one-on-one lessons at the same place where our others learned, hoping the process would be smooth and they would learn quickly, enjoying the process as they went along.
Well … we had our first lessons. My son adjusted well and actually got something accomplished in the short 30 minutes. He put his face in, blew his bubbles and kicked as hard as he knew how. He even practiced falling in the pool, floating on his back, and swimming his u-turn back to the edge.
My daughter on the other hand, cried and screamed and begged not to put her face in, of which I do not have one picture to prove! The teacher asked if I was okay, worried that I was one of those “hovering” parents. But I readily assured her that the crying wasn’t bothering me a bit, and I told her to do whatever she had to do.
So we left swimming lessons with some homework for her: get in the tub, put the goggles on, and blow bubbles—lots of bubbles. Stare fear in the face and by sheer determination have her put her face in and blow. And let her see by doing, that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
So we ran the bath. And there was complaining and arguing, and even protesting and crying before the bath was even full. And I was a mean mom and made her get in anyway. And then came more crying and more resistance.
And isn’t that like us sometimes.
We know there’s something we need to do and yet we’ve already decided it’s not going to be good. We write off the idea before we even experience it. And when someone else begins to push us forward to make it happen, we cry and complain, and drag our feet all the way.
Because the unknown is scary. It’s always a risk. And it takes some serious bravery and courage to move through it.
Her brother got in too, and began to show her what to do. I played games with him and promised him rewards. And as he put his face in and blew bubbles over and over, she watched. And although she was uncomfortable and afraid, she made the decision. With guarded apprehension she took a deep breath, put her face in, and began to blow.
And you should have seen her 30 minutes later. She was a completely different girl–excited and cheering, and begging not to get out. The fear and anxiety had vanished, and she was reaping the reward of her effort.
And at the very next swim lesson she was a success. Apprehensions gone. Anxiety overcome. She swam and smiled and loved every minute.
Sometimes there’s something worth attaining on the other side of our fear. Something powerful and life-changing … even life-giving. And we can be tempted to stay paralyzed by our anxiety–by our “what-ifs” and “even if’s”. And we can end up missing out on something amazing.
Like my daughter, sometimes we just have to have the faith to go under.
To stare fear in the face, and by sheer determination just go for it, trusting in the process. Trusting Him in the process.
And when we do, our lives are changed, and we become better for the risking.
In whatever you are facing, may you have courage to take the risk, that you may experience something amazing!
What opportunity are you avoiding lately?
What might you be missing out on?
What risk do you need to take today?
Beautiful post and photos! And so true too!!! The questions are sitting heavy on my heart, guess I have some thinking to do!! Have a fantastic day!!!
Beautiful post. I can completely relate. Now I have such a great visual to help conquer those moments when I feel stuck. Thank you!
Beautiful Jacque…that picture of McKenna is priceless!!
Oh, I remember those days of swimming lessons. And my first was great, not so much with the second. His first response to most things is no before he tries them. Its been a lot of work for his parents! Thanks for the encouragement. This has been a theme in my life, pushing past fear into God’s call. It’s always worth the effort.
Oh my gosh…what a GREAT analogy. Thank you. You have forced me to look deep within to conquer some fears!
Oh, thank you Kristi! I’m thinking right along with you! Hoping your day is fantastic as well!
fabulous, Jaque. What a perfect analogy for life. i love this, and I’m always in need of some fear-conquering advice. 😉 Blessings, sweet friend!
Wonderful post! We are moving in 2 1/2 weeks, which of course brings with it all sorts of fears…will my son make new friends, will we find a church, will I make new friends etc. etc. Thank you for reminding me that there is another side…and that God is already waiting for me there. I know He will help me through whatever He has for us next…thank you! Blessings, Tracy Steel Psalm 73:25-26
Oh my, where to start with what am I NOT risking, what opportunities am I NOT taking advantage of. There are far too many. Unfortunately though I think most of that is due to my family going through a very trying time. With a light at the end of the tunnel I hope to start taking more risks & embracing opportunities. Right now it is just day by day. Kudos to you for holding your daughter’s fear close to your heart and being the mean mom. I get that.
oh…where do I start…first…those pictures…those sweet smiles…toothless joy…triumphant victory…and how this should be how we reflect all the good God is doing in our lives…you did a beautiful job here…well you always do…good word for me…sometimes I still don’t want to put my face in the blog world…He throw me in yesterday:)…enjoy swimming with your kiddos blessings~
Aww, thank you, me too!
Thank you Faith…hoping you had a wonderful day!
Yes! Pushing past the fear does take effort, and aren’t you glad we can look back and see the times He’s worked giving us courage to press forward again? Blessings to you!
Thank you Mary, I’m looking deep to conquer right along with you, my friend 🙂
We all need that don’t we…I’m sure loving seeing you on Instagram, what fun that is!
Oh moving, what a transition! Yes, another side, and He IS waiting and I’m sure it’s going to be amazing. I’m thanking Him with you that He’s always there to help us through. Have a wonderful day!
I’m right there with you. Crazy how I write to myself most of all! Day by day my friend, and may all us mean {in the most loving sense} moms…UNITE!!
Thank you. Just. ThankYou. … for being my friend. I just SO wish I could come over to visit you! You always cheer me on and your visits here and your words mean so much … more than you know. And now every time I use ellipses (…) I think of you! I am certainly trying to take your advice and enjoy the sweet smiles and toothless joys as well as all that accompanies them. Blessings friend!
Love this, Jacque. Reminds me of a story my daughter wrote when she was in GA’s (at church) about swimming/trusting God. Right now she has many issues to trust Him for; God knows what; I covet your prayers.
Thank you Jackie 🙂
Lord Jesus, I pray right now that you would woo and draw Jackie’s daughter to you. Help her know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she can trust You…that You ARE good, that You call us and keep us, and that NOTHING can separate us from Your love. Compel her to your very heart, and we give You praise for ALL you will accomplish in and through her in Your time. In Your precious and Holy name I pray, Amen.
Hang in there Jackie!
I’m only a little jealous that it was hailing here today while you are enjoying beautiful pool weather but besides that, I can totally relate. I’ve let fear keep me from a lot of things and when I saw my daughter who was the same with putting her face in, I thought how if I could just get her to do it she would be fine. Now she’s like a fish. I can barely keep her above the water long enough to wash her hair. A nice reminder when I’m facing the deep end.
I love this post Jacque. I love the story of your daughter and can so relate as I have one child who tends to be fearful and then when he tries something he realizes it wasn’t that bad.
“Sometimes there’s something worth attaining on the other side of our fear.” Amen to that!
Love you!
Those last pictures are priceless! Won’t it be great now, when the next big thing to overcome in her life surfaces, she will have this victory to think back on and remember that even though she was frightened, she pressed on despite the fear?
Loved this post.
Thanks Kathi…may we all remember 🙂
Yes…Amen to that. Love you too 🙂
Oh, yes–those things worth attaining are often on the other side of our fears! What a great lesson–one that I need to hear over and over, by the way. Thank you so much for sharing it!
And kudos to you for making sure your kids have swimming lessons. Hope your new pool is lots of fun for your family. 🙂