We sat at the little league game and she asked to sit on my lap, my youngest child who seems to be growing by the minute. And she climbed up and took my phone and opened all the pictures, as she always does.
This daughter of mine who always likes to remember–the one who likes to review the memories no matter how many times she’s seen them before. And I’m just like her. Maybe she gets it from me? Wanting to capture the moments in the now and sear them in my mind so I will always remember.
And pictures do that, don’t they?
And so … we opened the camera on that phone of mine, flipped the view to self-portrait, and took a picture. Just one picture. One I thought would be like the rest of the pictures she takes…blurred or crooked or just not usable.
But this one…this ONE picture captured her in this moment–this moment of 4 1/2. This stage of wanting to sit on my lap and cuddle together … of hugging my neck and saying nice encouraging words in my ear to make my heart feel like the most amazing person on the planet.
This … THIS … my one beautiful thing.
May you look, see, and find the beauty right before you and breathe it in deep, is my prayer.
What is your one beautiful thing today?
I’d love for you to share!
**Linking with my friend Brooke and the community of others who are being surprised by life as they take note and link up about their one beautiful thing!
I love this! Tears streaming down my face. Such a wonderful post! Coming over from Brooke’s link-up.
Awww, thank you…
She is gorgeous! Don’t you love our camera phones??? They capture life, now.
Yes, you’re right…capturing life, now…I just love that!
that picture is so cute and the look of innocence on her face……wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could reclaim that precious time when we were there in life…..such a beautiful picture…..I luv it…..