I wonder how much I’ve missed because I often fail to see. My eyes are blinded to a perspective beyond myself, and frankly its easier to just wallow in my current view and refuse to consider another one. It is often easier to see the dark clouds over my head and the difficulty of the now, instead of lifting my eyes to see the light straight ahead–the sunshine that is destined to break through.
But God wants so much more for me, and for you. He wants our lives to be filled with joy no matter what. A joy that is beyond our now. And not because He wants us to “buck-up” and fake it. But because He wants us to trust that He is in complete control.
Complete control.
That He has a master plan that never fails, and that He sees and He knows.
And He wants us to know, to really know, how much He loves us. He wants us to trust that He’s aware of it all and that He’s working and moving no matter how it seems.
In whatever we’re facing, He wants us to be satisfied in Him. Satisfied as He grows our character through whatever it is He chooses to give. Whether extreme goodness or painful adversity He is ultimately working it all for our good, so that He is glorified in us and through us, and others see it and are changed.
But the challenge is in the seeing … in my perspective.
Do I trust Him?
Do I have the faith to really believe He is working it all for good in His time?
Am I willing to remember all He’s done in the past?
Will I choose to lean on the promises in His Word?
Will I choose to have faith … with an assurance of what I hope for and a conviction of things I can’t see?
As life is throwing me lemons, God is busy making lemonade.
And in the meantime, I will choose to shift my perspective, lift my eyes, and choose joy … believing with a renewed purpose all He’s accomplishing in me.
Will you join me?
Will you trust Him?
Because really, it’s all about choosing to see.
What is your biggest challenge in choosing to see?
How has God made lemonade in your life?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
*This post was written in 15 minutes, with picture and links added later.
so, awesome to write with people who try to follow the same Footsteps that I sometimes have a hard time following and having the same struggles as I. may we all be blessed and carry on as He has hands. Bless you and thank you for your story.
I have to remember to tell myself to “look up” most days. I can get so caught up on what I can see with my natural eyes. So thankful He allows me to see with new eyes.
Thank you so much for stopping by, may your day be blessed!
Me too…I’m so thankful, because it really is the Holy Spirit who helps us and shows us to see. Have a wonderful weekend!