There are some people you never forget—people who leave an impression that’s hard to shake, and growing up I do remember her. She was my mother’s age. Always opinionated and outspoken, and never for a lack of words, and she went out of her way to make you aware of your wayward ways. She grew up in this local church of ours and her family was integral in establishing the congregation years ago … and this heritage drove her passion all the more.
She loved following rules and always insisted others do the same—and there were so many rules! She was careful to arrive early at every single service wearing her Sunday best, and stood as a greeter in the foyer shaking hands with those who arrived. She coordinated meals for funerals and organized women’s events—quick to volunteer for any task, because that’s what a good Christian woman does.
And while it seemed respectable from afar, those who knew her, well … we knew better.
It’s true she was the wife of one husband–one who was Caucasian just like her, because being “unequally yoked” to a different race would be outside of God’s blessing. She did not work outside the home, no matter their financial struggles, because a woman “working” would definitely be outside of God’s directive. Her children went to private school, because children should be trained in “the ways of God”, and not left to the “vultures” and “heathens” of the public system.
This woman insulted her husband in passive-aggressive ways with derogatory and condescending attitudes. She berated her children by default, by failing to praise them and making sure they knew how they could’ve done each thing better. And she was disgruntled with her friends, who according to her standard, never seemed to care or do enough for her.
She feigned piety while living as a silent judge of the world around her. No one could ever meet her expectations and many spun their wheels trying.
She was a technical rule-follower who failed miserably with the intent of her heart. And she missed the point altogether.
And this is exactly what Jesus was addressing in regard to the Scribes and Pharisees.
“The trouble with the Pharisees was that they were interested in details rather than principles, that they were interested in actions rather than in motives, and that they were interested in doing rather than in being…” D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Jesus was born into multi-lingual culture. Many learned Hebrew and were able to study the law. Many spoke Aramaic, a remnant of the language learned during the exiles, and some spoke Greek, the official language of the Roman government.
Those who weren’t fluent in Hebrew depended on the Scribes and Pharisees and the oral tradition of the day in order to follow the law. They relied on interpretation, which although technically accurate, became corrupted with a precedent of impure motives and intentions.
And as a result, while observing the technicalities of the law, many missed the intent of the law altogether.
Matthew 5:19-20 (ESV) Therefore, whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
As followers of Christ, we are to follow the spirit of God’s directives, not simply perform the technicalities.
Jesus doesn’t give us guidelines to restrict or oppress us. Neither is a rule to be an end in itself. Honoring God’s directives is not simply about avoiding doing wrong, and if people think it is, they’ve missed the whole point. We are to observe the principle behind the directives. It is our thoughts and heart-motives that matter too, not simply our actions alone.
Jesus fulfilled the law and because of that we live in freedom.
Freedom to obey,
To show our gratitude for all He’s done for us,
To bring Him glory through the obedience of our lives,
To honor and revere Him as Lord,
And to ultimately experience joy.
As we follow the directives of scripture and seek to align our hearts and actions to its purpose, we begin to live the blessed life—the makarios life that is ours in Christ. And our lives become full of His joy.
As you obey may you find blessing and joy, is my prayer.
Have you ever known someone who technically followed the rule but missed the point?
Continuing on in memorizing the Sermon on the Mount, with Ann and this community. Join us?
This week on to Matthew 5:21-22 (ESV)…
{WEEK 10} Matthew 5:21-22 (ESV) You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire. y h h t i w s t t o o y s n m a w m w b l t j b i s t y t e w i a w h b w b l t j w i h b w b l t t c a w s y f w b l t t h o f
Other posts in this series:
~Memorizing the Sermon on the Mount ~For When You Want to Know How to Really Teach {Week 1} ~For When You Need to Quit Performing to Earn God’s Love and Blessing {Week 2} ~When You Long to be Satisfied and Supremely Happy {Week 3} ~For When Memorizing is Intimidating and Change is a Challenge {Week 4} ~For When You Don’t Fit in and You’re Not Feeling Accepted {Week 5} ~Because You Are Meant to BE the Flavor {Week 6} ~We ARE the Light of the World {Week 7} ~All Has Been Accomplished! The New Covenant Has Come {Week 8}
You have so many great insights in this post. I appreciate your heart that our hearts matter; it’s not just outward behaviors. Otherwise we miss the spirit and blessing and joy.
So glad you linked with us at Do Not Depart. Keep going with the Sermon on the Mount!
What a wonderful post! I love it Jacque! Thank you for your insight. I have known peoplenthat are like that person you described and even sometimes have to evaluate myself and ask myself for the real motives of what I’m doing. Usually Hector gets my heart and leads me back to the way of the Lord. But I just love how you put it here!! thank you!!! It’s also so awesome that I’m getting your insight as I’m learning the SOTM too. Love you!
Thank you so much, Lisa!
I just love that we’re memorizing together…you are so special to me!
I think we are all bent on legalism in one form or another, and it’s always good to remind ourselves of this fact. Thanks for these good thoughts, words and verses for doing that. Great quote by Lloyd-Jones. Gail @1-Minute
LOVE this Jacque. “She was a technical rule-follower who failed miserably with the intent of her heart. And she missed the point altogether.” Oh how sad to be trapped in the life of legalism. So grateful for the freedom found in the love of Christ! Beautiful Post!
I hate to admit it…me…I knew and kept the words…but it was years before i came to understand those words where filled with heart…those words were filled with blood…those words where breathed with Love… and when I understood how much He loved me, He transformed me from rules to relationship. thanks be to God~
Legalism is everywhere it seems. You must do this, you can’t do that….on and on it goes. I am so thankful that God is gracious and merciful to me, for I could not perform that way! Thank you for the reminder that God is full of grace and mercy! Stoppin by from Thought Provoking Thursday 🙂