We walk up the hill in the noon of the day and they walk right beside me. And we near the apple trees in full blossom in the shadow of the mountain there beyond. The poppies dot the hillside with the brilliance of orange, and we stop to take it all in.
Psalm 145:10 All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you!
The beauty of God’s creation with the sun shining right down.
The mountains standing tall and framed with the blooms in orange.
The apple trees bursting with hope of the fall fruit to come.
The innocence of her smile.
Her hair in the wind.
The cadence of her gait as she runs through the grass.
The curiosity of her hands.
The freedom as they run and play and live right here, right now, without a care in the world.
No worry to be found.
Just the mountain, with the sun and the wind and the poppies right there.
The bend of his head and the intensity of his gaze.
The whimsy of her twirls as she flys in the wind.
To witness the beauty of creation giving thanks, and to join in too, blessing our God who made it all.
What we see and how we feel and what we do, all meant to bless His name.
We capture it all, all in this moment … giving thanks as one beautiful thing.
May you seek the whimsy of the now and give thanks for all that’s right before you. And may your week be full of God’s beauty, and the joy that comes from His presence.
What are you giving thanks for today?
Continuing on, in the counting of One Thousand Gifts {#1466-1485} with Ann and this community, and the Joy Dare of 2012…with June’s printable.
#1466 Afternoons swimming and splashing and getting better at swimming every day
#1467 A fever finally broken
#1468 The end of his sophomore year (where has the time gone?)
#1469 Couple’s date night with an inrl blogging friend
#1470 Children playing imaginative games and creating as they go along
#1471 A husband who’s smarter than me
#1472 Podcasts changing my world and challenging my heart
#1473 Hot showers and cozy pajamas and soft sheets at the end of a long day
#1474 No traffic to work
#1475 Refreshing frozen yogurt treats
#1476 Haircuts for all
#1477 A group of women learning to read and journal and memorize and give thanks … such a beautiful thing
#1478 God’s correction and timing and provision all at once
#1479 New opportunities and adventures awaiting
#1480 An impromptu visit and slowing down to be present in the now
#1481 Taco salad with Doritos on top
#1482 Rinsing and repeating the Sermon on the Mount with the kids
#1483 Dreaming of vacation possibilities
#1484 New books arriving
#1485 Mercies new every single morning for this wretched heart of mine
Beautiful list of things to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing, love the photos!
oh my…your picture just make worship well up inside my heart…God’s beauty all around and those sweet pics of you kids…just love it. #1481 yum yum…happy Monday to you friend…blessings~
Thank you!
I know, the mountain framed with the California poppies was breathtaking…God is a master artist…thanks for your friendship!
Whimsy is one of my all-time favorite words, so of course I had to click on your link! Gorgeous, gorgeous photos.
Thank you Nancy…so glad you stopped by 🙂 Have a blessed day!
Wow such beautiful photos. God’s creation is breath taking. There is so MUCH to be thankful for. How to choose one above them all? A week of answered prayer. Knowing God is near the broken hearted. Oops, that’s two! I could just go on and on.
I love your pictures. Oh, said that already too!
LOVE your photos! Coming over from Brooke’s link-up!