I went to a conference last month for writers and speakers.
And it was on the plane ride, I realized how much I needed to pray for my boys, and their future wives.
I sat next to a young girl who I imagined had so much to look forward to–college, career, and maybe a spouse and children too. And I started dreaming of what her life might be like–how so much of hers is ahead, realizing too how a significant part of mine is already behind.
And it was then she pulled it out. She pulled it out and opened it up to fill her sweet mind with all its twistedness … {sigh}
And I’ve tried to stay out of this Fifty Shades craze, but it seems to be everywhere I turn.
And it bothers me. Not because I’m a prude. And not because I’m unerotic.
The thing is, I know the tragedy that comes when it all begins with a thought. And then how the thought lingers, and how discontent grows, and how so much can come from it.
It’s dangerous.
All that lies down that road is pain–pain from a hurting heart that ends up being hard to repair.
And I want more for my boys. I want more for the women who will one day be their wives.
And that’s why we must pray.
As their mamas, they’re depending on us.
I’m writing over at The MOB Society today about joining together to pray for our boys, and their future wives. I’d love it if you’d hop over and join me there!

Do you pray for your son’s future wife?
What qualities in a future daughter-in-law do you value most?