Wow! It’s been a whirlwind of a week. I’ve been so crazy busy—maybe you have too??!
Tracie and I have been going through Lysa TerKeurst’s book, Unglued, along with some of you, and we are longing that each one of you is (in)couraged to hope … that you would have hope that we’re in this together.
And whether you’ve read every chapter or have not yet picked up the book, we can still learn from each other. We can still press on together toward small steps of imperfect progress, as we learn to identify and make better choices in our unglued moments—moments when our emotions are raw and wise choices tend to be few. And there seem to be plenty of those to go around, right?
As I’ve noticed my many unglued moments this week, I can certainly relate to Lysa in her tendency to become unglued in every way, depending on the situation.
Sometimes we explode, and when we do, we either blame others or we end up regretting our reaction and feel shame and guilt over how we behaved.
Other times we stuff our raw emotions inside.
We pull away and build barriers between ourselves and others, in order to protect our hearts from getting more hurt.
Or we keep track of the wrongs done against us, storing up what Lysa calls, retaliation rocks. Until one day there are so many rocks built up, we begin launching them, lashing out, and hurting anyone in their path.
Whether we are exploders or stuffers, one thing I do know, neither approach tends to work out very well in the long run. And our goal throughout this study is to identify our tendencies and begin to make small changes–imperfect progress, so we can handle our emotions with wisdom and grace even when we feel unglued.
So how are you?
Are you behind?
Are you discouraged?
Do you, like me, become unglued?
Join me today over at Tracie’s place today, as we dive into this next chapter in Lysa’s book Unglued. There’s hope when we ban together and seek growth and change in community … really there is.
Won’t you join us?
And if you want to share something from your journey through the book Unglued, please, please, leave a comment or link up with us today!! We can’t wait to hear what’s been happening with you!!
What happened when you last become unglued?
And what did you do about it?
Are you an exploder or a stuffer?