My heart beats fast as I write, groping for just the right words to welcome you to this new place … this beautiful light-filled mercy-space … the one I’ve dreamed of for so long.
The place where I have the chance to meet with you–the privilege to invite you in, with the hope that even amidst your crazy-busy days you’ll sometimes say yes. Yes to come by and stay awhile with me, and the friends who’ll join us along the way…
To walk the dirt paths between the trees, and past the ponds, and stop to chat at the benches on the way.
To gaze at the flowers and notice the dew on the grass and be lulled by the sound of the rustling leaves.
To feel the fresh breeze blowing and take in the stillness of it all.
To slow down and reminisce…
about where we’ve been,
and what we’ve learned,
and how it all gets sorted out for our good…
by a God who loves us so much He just can’t help but bless like that.
We can walk even on days when there’s shade–when the sun is hiding through the trees, or when it’s blocked by the threatening dark clouds in the sky.
And we’ll remind each other even on those days, how there are times we don’t feel the warmth of the sun, but that we know it’s still there.
Above and beyond the darkness.
And higher than the obstacles in its way.
We’ll remember how it will shine strong again–and together that ray of hope will be enough.
We can remember together how our God gives beautiful gifts, and remind each other how all is a gift, even when it doesn’t feel much like one.
That we can trust in His goodness anyway, and hold our hands open and give thanks together anyhow.
We can talk and dream of what the future holds and be reminded that we have hope.
Because God made a way for joy to transcend our circumstances–
a way for hope to resurrect sorrow,
and for His grace rain over us all.
Oh friend … {sigh} I remember how this has been a long time coming–how I’ve been planning and dreaming, rearranging and preparing for these walks with you.
To finally tell you how mercy found me.
To share how it all happened,
And explain to you why I feel so passionate about mercy and grace…
Why I long to display the unrelenting and redemptive power of our God in this place.
But most of all, as we begin to meet here in this new and glorious place, I long for you to find mercy too…
For your heart to know that no matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or where you’re going, there is nothing that can separate you from God’s great love … nothing.
And if by chance you come by every now and again, won’t you plan to stay awhile?
We can watch the sunset as it slips below the branches of those tall strong trees. We can breathe deep while it sinks from the sky, and rest knowing that no matter what this day held, morning is on it’s way—a morning where His mercy is brand new and enough, for each and every new day.
And if you’re willing to drop a note below…??
It’d be such a joy to welcome you today!
Ahhh, Jacque. Your new place here? Fresh air at its finest! Breathing deeply here. Thrilled for you, friend.
Jacque- this was so beautifully expressed I wish I could wing my way over oceans from New Zealand to walk and talk with you. But, in God there is no distance, and I have many blogger friends now, with whom I exchange deep and meaningful messages whenever the Holy Spirit prompts. I look forward to you posts immensely.
May I bless you with words in Maori and English:
No reira waiho ko te aroha o Te Matua Kaha Rawa hei korowai
May the love of Almighty God enfold you!
What gorgeous words and pictures! I am happy to be linking up behind you at Five Minute Friday! 🙂 Here’s mine. Never too late right?
Thank you so, so much Kristen!
Ah! New Zealand…I bet it’s beautiful there! Thank you Mary for your lovely words and beautiful blessing…holding my heart with thanks for you!
Thank you Jessie…such a treat to meet you 🙂
Your new home is beautiful! Your words so full of grace, they draw me in! Love visiting here!
Yay! It’s finished! And so, so lovely. I can’t wait to read your series. 🙂
Thanks you Barbie…SO thankful for your encouraging words!!
Thank you my friend…thank you for believing in me and speaking words of hope into my life. I’m so thankful for you!
I love it! I am so happy to see your new home. The design is fresh and perfect for you. Yay! It thrills me to see how you are blossoming in this blogging world. To see where you are a year from when we first met online. I can’t wait to see where God will lead you as you share you heart, your story and heart words, I am confident that God is going to use you beyond anything you could imagine. I will be here, reading and cheering you on as a sister! Love you!
Oh Denise. Thank you. Thank you for reaching out and holding my hand and helping me learn to fly. I can’t wait to share this journey with you, no matter where it leads. I’m so very thankful for you and your love and cheers!! Mwah!
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful my friend!! i know how much work you put into creating and setting up your lovely new home and it couldn’t be more beautiful!!
How lovely!! You did a wonderful job creating an inviting space – can’t wait to read your mercy journey!
Good Monday morning, dear friend! Thank you for bringing us this new space with all the encouraging words, thoughts, speakable joys…..but then, it is truly God speaking through you to us…of His love for us, His unfailing love beyond what we can imagine and only when we get to Heaven will we see the full scope of His love. For now, it is Heaven on earth to have encouragers such as yourself and others to help us to see what waits beyond, yet to see the awesome beauty of Who our God is and what He plans for us each day. Tears come to my eyes and overflow when I think of all He has done and is doing for me; words are inadequate. Bless you for such a wonderful place for us to come to. Have a blessed and meaningful Thanksgiving.
Jacque – your new design is beautiful as your words always are! I love reading the comments and seeing the community you’ve developed with all your friends giving a shout out and sending more grace and mercy.
Oh friend! I love your new space it is truly lovely…just like you my friend. What a blessing to get to meet you in person at Allume and spend REAL time with you. You are such a GIFT to me.
I look forward to receiving your posts in my inbox and while I may not comment on every post, I read every post…your writing is amazing.
I love you my friend.
It looks wonderful! How exciting! Happy for you.
BEAUTIFUL! So excited for you Jacque!
Oh friend…this is just lovely…a true reflection of you and all your beauty…look forward to walking along side you as you travel down this new path…blessings and have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday~
A beautiful site for a beautiful writer to let her light SHINE! Looking SO forward to having you in BLAST, Jacque!!! – Shannon Ethridge
Oh it’s gorgeous, Jacque! Such a beautiful new space. Congrats!
Tracie…thank you. What a gift it has been to get know you…kindred hearts indeed!
Thank you Aurie…so thankful to have hugged you at allume!!
I love it!!! SO beautiful and welcoming. It’s just perfect!!! – Kayse Pratt
Jacque, I found your lovely place through the (in)couragers group page. Looking forward to walking through your mercy paths. Breathing grace and mercy filled air. To new beginnings. Cheers!
Yes, isn’t He good? Thank you Susan for your encouraging words!
Thank you Jamie! It was so wonderful to meet you at She Speaks!
Mary! Yes REAL time together…what a gift that was. Thank you for your kind words and your friendship! You are my mercy friend 🙂
Thank you Deborah!
Thanks Brooke for your encouragement and friendship and for your words of advice along the way…I’m so thankful for you!
Oh Ro, thank you! You are SO special to me. Thank you for coming to be with me here, always walking and encouraging me that I can do this. I can’t wait to meet you one day! Until then we’ll walk here and at your place…ok?
Shannon, thank you. Joining BLAST and learning from you is a 5 year dream come true. God has been SO good to me. THIS gift is from Him, and YES! I can’t wait!!
Thanks Lisa Jo…and your series from October is helping me so. I’m staring fear in the face and writing scared…because He is asking me to and you encouraged me I can. Thank you for how you inspire!
Thank you Kayse! We’re so close, we MUST meet in real life…so sad to have missed you at She Speaks!
Ah yes, grace and mercy-filled air…thank you so much Debra!
I love the look and feel of your blog! The pictures from nature and the top of your blog evoke the feeling of tranquility.
Oh…this is so very beautiful! Yay! {HUGGS}
So calming and beautiful! I love it.
Thank you Susan…I was hoping for that 🙂 I’m so glad,,,thank you for coming by and for your encouragement to me!
Oh Lindsey, thank you so much…(((hugs))) to you too my friend!
Thank you Janine…so thankful you could come by!!
Oh Jacque your redesign is beautiful! I love it. 🙂
Thank you so much Dawn! What a treat to get to see you at allume again this year 🙂
Such a beautiful new space! 🙂 Looking forward to reading more from you. Love from your fellow (in)courager!
Such a beautiful place it is!
Jacque- I love your new design- so beautiful. May God’s beauty in your heart bless many through your ministry here.
I’ll be back for sure sweet lady. Wish we could have connected more at Allume BTW! 🙂
Yay for #incouragers!! Thank you Amanda for your sweet words 🙂
Thank you Elisa!
Yes, I would have loved that! Thank you for your encouragement…you bless me 🙂
Oh, friend! This place is beautiful. Really – I think it’s such a good fit – so full of light and beauty.
Oh Annie…thank you. I’m so thrilled you noticed the light…sunlight all around, shining into those dark places…His light making our brokenness shine His beauty. Praying you are well and have a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂
Jacque! It is so lovely here! Thank you for this warm welcome. I think I might rest here on your porch for a time…
Thank you for creating such a beautiful bright, relaxing place full of God’s love.
Thank you Laura! I would love that…in fact, I’ll put on a pot of tea 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping in!
Hannah, I’m so thankful you think so…thank YOU for coming over 🙂
So lovely, Jacque! Love the feel of the canvas in the background. What a place to craft art-words boldly. Yay!
Love it!
I think this is GREAT! Hoping to hear how to reach my teenage daughter (13). She is going to absolutely break my heart before she is grown. I pray to be the kind of father she needs and God would have me to be. I’ve made plenty of mistakes and am so glad “mercy found me” as well!