I shared my story with you in December, of how mercy found me, with the hope that you would know mercy could find you too…
Because God’s mercy and grace change everything.
And then I began to dream of a community, where we share our mercy-stories and declare how His grace meets us in our daily lives.
A place where we link-up and stand arm in arm… joining together to declare to the world,
That through our tragedies,
Our brokenness,
And our struggles in the mud,
God is good and we are loved, no matter what.
Not because of what we’ve done, but because of His GREAT mercy and unending grace, which He freely gives over and over again.
And all we have to do is turn to Him, at any moment, big or small.
When we come unglued in the midst of a conversation, speak harsh words to someone at work, or lose it with our kids for the umpteenth time.
When we pull a selfish move no one will ever know, refuse to love because it’s easier to hate, or fail to give because it’s easier to receive.
In any moment, we can turn to Him and make a plea…not because we deserve to based on our righteousness, but because of His GREAT mercy and lovingkindness that never, ever end.
Now therefore, O our God, listen to the prayer of your servant and to his pleas for mercy, and for your own sake …O my God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see… For we do not present our pleas before you because of our righteousness, but because of your great mercy. Daniel 9:17-18 (ESV)
And so today, let’s share with each other, linking both our hearts and our words in community…
Because mercy has found us,
And grace overwhelms us!
Link-up your blog post below, or feel free to share in the comments.
And if you’d be so kind to visit the person who linked or commented before you and leave some encouraging words…
Let’s encourage one another, reflect Him, and celebrate His mercy and grace in our lives!
Ready. Set. Go!
As you look back on your month…
What is one way mercy found you?
In what way did you experience God’s grace?

And if you’d be so gracious to include this community button in your blog post!
I`m a shy, introvert, hermitess like girl!! Stepping out is hard. Reaching out is hard. The Lord shows me mercy daily by not losing patience with me. He kindly waits for me to take that first step, that slow reaching out.
So…I stepped out and reached out this month and told someone I was praying for them. Someone I`ve only met through her blog. Grace found me there. She didn`t freak out, think I was weird. I`m so glad I reached out to her….
Maybe in Feb. I`ll step out and reach out again….
In what way have I experienced God’s grace? In silence. Silence seems to be one of my great fears, except that I have learned that when I surrender to it, He speaks. It is a remarkable experience in faith, and I am encouraged each time I submit to silence and stillness.
Thank you for your words, for hosting, and for speaking truth to a world filled with useless noise.
Peace and good to you..
This month has been a rough one. Not because of any one thing or even anything “big”. But I’ve been weary, unglued, selfish, and just tired of fighting everything. This morning, after a night of little sleep, The Lord brought this verse to my mind:
“Because of the Lord ’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” (Lamentations 3:22-24 NIV) Oh what peace that brought! His mercies are new every single morning!
Thank you for always sharing you heart.
Angela Hertica
Keep reaching out. Your obedience to God’s direction, even thought it is so scary and hard, will always be worth it in the end.