My eyes blinked heavy the entire way to Jenny’s house. The drive was just five miles away, but with only four hours of continuous sleep in the past three weeks, the fatigue was winning already, and it was only 9 am.
I parked the car and managed to unbuckle my 3 year-old daughter and 1 ½ year-old son, but simultaneously carrying the baby in the car seat, the snack bag, and the cookies I brought, while trying to walk all together to the front door, proved to be more difficult.
I had been teaching them to hold on to the material of my pants when my hands were full, one on each side. But this day seemed one of their increasingly frequent refuse-to-follow-directions days. And many times it seemed they had a secret meeting of their minds each morning, conjuring up ways to make my life more difficult, for their mutual amusement. Oh my…
I managed to wrangle them to the sidewalk, and gathering up my things, we made it to the front door where we were greeted by our play group friends—a group where kids played and moms talked, as we all longed for the morning hours to be filled, so nap time would come sooner.
The kids toddled over to the play room, and grabbing myself a cookie for my breakfast nourishment, I plopped down on the over sized couch to join the conversation. It was the first time they’d met my newborn, now only three weeks old.
I was venturing out early this time, hoping to cheer my desperate heart with some familiar fellowship.
I nursed the baby as we talked, and began to catch up on all the news, but concentrating became so difficult. Between my daughter’s sippy-cup pit stops and trying to keep my son from banging toys on the floor, or more importantly another child in the head, I missed much of the conversation.
I chatted, then corrected, then nursed some more … handed out snacks, filled the sippy cup, requested, and reminded, and then scolded…
In and out of conversation,
Longing to connect to feed my own desperate heart,
And frustrated with this life that had become mine.
I can’t tell you how many times in my journey as a mother I’ve felt desperate … and still do.
My years with three children under age four were hard, but I’m learning, so is every motherhood season.
There are many days I am still desperate,
In a slightly different way,
From a different perspective,
With a different longing,
But desperate just the same!
That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about a new book that’s releasing today that brought fresh air to my heart!
A book written by two mother-hearts who’ve been desperate too, who are longing to give us hope so we can breathe again.
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe, by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson is a book with fresh air for our desperate hearts…
For when we set ideals that bring us under and crush us with our failure,
For when we feel alone and lack support on our motherhood journey,
For when we’ve tried all the advice and it hasn’t worked and we come face to face with our selfish ways.
For when we struggle with depressed days and have had a lack of training to mother well,
For when we want our own lives back and escape to find comfort somewhere else.
For when the housework overwhelms,
The inner voices invade,
And we’re tempted to think we’re not enough.
This book is for us–for our hearts, to give us hope again.
If you have ever been desperate, or like me, if you still are, you have to get this book!
It will validate you when you think you’re crazy,
Walk beside you when you feel you alone,
And encourage you with practical ways to calm the desperateness of your heart,
It will point you to the fact that you’re meant for this, will remind you God has chosen you for this,
And will give you the hope you need to breathe again.
What about motherhood makes you feel most desperate?
And in celebration of today, Sarah Mae and Sally have gifts and giveaways for YOU!
A giveaway every day this week with AMAZING gifts … like a year of free housecleaning, a year of free massages, a year of free coffee, and much much more!
It is their goal to see women in community, moms helping other moms, and older women investing in the lives of younger women. And they have created free resources for us to use and special bonuses (this week) if you choose to do a book study with other women.
Visit Sarah Mae or Sally to get a free pdf of the Small Group Guide for Moms, or to print the No More Desperate Moms Resolution!

If you purchase a book from DaySpring TODAY (Monday) they will send you a journal along with it, for FREE! This offer is good for today only!
And visit us all, at the blog tour, to hear what we are saying about this wonderful book…