Angie Smith continues to bless, as we make our way through her book Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole
. This week we’re discussing chapters 17-19 and continuing to wrestle through the steps of being mended.
We are made complete amidst tragedy, redeemed through failure, and comforted by a Savior who understands every detail of our brokenness. ←Click to Tweet
Because He was broken too … split and shattered and poured out for us. Having been in that horrific state, Jesus understands our temptation to feel abandoned by God, and even angry with Him, when we’ve been broken. He personally knows the devastation of suffering, and can relate to the futility of relying on our own strength in the midst of breaking. And yet even still, Jesus was faithful as He walked through brokenness…
Faithful to know that those moments on the cross were not all God had in store.
Faithful to hope for the resurrection when it all would finally be accomplished.
Faithful to trust in the Sovereign plan of God the Father, who had a Providential purpose in mind–God making a way for every heart to know Him … a way for all the world to be saved.
We’re meeting over at Tracie’s today, to discuss Angie’s book. And as we link up our posts and share in the comments together, may you know you are not alone in your brokenness. May you know we are in this together and God really is among us.
If you are in the process of being mended by God, please know I am praying for you…
That in your most broken places you would know God’s love in spite of your pain
That you would choose to trust in God’s Providential purpose for you
And that you will hope in His mercy and grace that allows your heart to be mended and made whole
Because His great love really is deeper than our hearts can comprehend.
Looking back, are you able to see God’s purpose for your pain?
Share a way you’ve experienced God’s Providential purpose in your life.
Here’s the schedule for the coming weeks…
March 28 – Chapters 17-19 :: Tracie
April 4 – Chapters 20-22 :: Jacque
April 11 – Chapters 23-25 :: Denise
April 18 – Chapters 26-28 :: Tracie
April 25 – Chapters 29-31 :: Concluding Thoughts