I am here. And I see.
I see the discouragement that seeps in through the cracks of your doubt. The times you question whether you’re able to be used by Me at all.
I see how your tired head bends in the dark and longs for more hours in each day. How you stay up in the wee hours, calming your heart with the music I’ve inspired him to play, and tapping out one letter after another to tell of my love for the broken.
I know the desperation that lingers in your not-enough hours, and I hear the cry of your heart as you ask me for wisdom beyond your own self.
You’re yearnings are close and they echo in my presence. I hear every whisper, every thought, and every cry. You are not alone.
I am here. And I see.
I see the motive of your heart. How you long to comfort the broken and see Me redeem it all in time. I see your desire, your dream for them to come, to read your words and talk with you there, in that online space you designed for my glory.
And I send them…
The ones who need to hear my love through your words.
The ones whose hearts are ready to be found by My mercy and transformed by My grace.
I am here. And I see.
I see the way your heart is prone to feel so small … the way you fall for comparison over and over again … wishing you belonged, were included, were wanted just as you are.
Don’t you know I’ve chosen you?
Don’t you realize you have been called by Me?
Before the beginning of time, I knew every choice you would make, every decision you would come to, and my Sovereignty has ordained it all. There is nothing that is a surprise to me. Before you were conceived I knew, and my plan is unfolding through your life even now, just as I determined it to be.
Rest in the work I am doing in you.
Be patient in the revealing of it all.
Be faithful in the small ways, in each minute I give.
Because all things are gifts from My heart to yours.
You are mine.
I am speaking to you and you are hearing me … as you read the love letter I left for you, as you meditate and hide my words in your heart each and every day. I am speaking to you in the world around you and through those who are also faithful to me.
I see how you wonder if it’s me and it is.
I am here. And I see.
And the love I have for you surpasses your understanding, is beyond anything you can imagine, and is a gift you can never ever lose.
You are mine.
You are loved.
And I. am. here.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you. Psalm 139:17-18 (ESV)
What is your biggest challenge in knowing God sees?
In what circumstance have you felt God most near?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for 5 20 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
Whoa, Jacque. Well done, friend. Well done. Stopping in from FMF 🙂
This is beautiful, Jacque! Thank you for writing just what God puts on your heart. We all have those moments when we feel tired, weak and alone. He is always there and we are always loved!
Nice perspective, Jacque. I enjoyed this.
This is one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read! The Holy spirit was working in you as you wrote each word. Just beautiful!
Beautiful. That is really all I can say. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this!
I love your beautiful take on the prompt give this week.
I really needed to read this today. Thankful…that YOU are here. Thanks for sharing this.
Oh Jacque, thank you. I cried as I read your beautiful post. You don’t know just how much I needed this today. Blessings
I lost my comment, trying again!! Thank you, friend for these words tonight! I so needed them and will be reading them again! working to rest in the work He is doing in me!!
also… I love that you edited the “FMF rules” I was a little discouraged that you could spit out so much blessing, so much truth, so much in just 5 minutes! 🙂 Thank you for writing!
You have a truly beautiful blog! This is a gorgeous post – what a blessing to read!
If there is one thing I need to rest In this next week, it is the truth that God is here….thank you for the comforting words…just love your blog!
Really wonderful post.
Thank you so much Kristina for your generous encouragement!
Yes we do, and He IS always there and we ARE always loved!
Thank you Laura…thank you for visiting me here 🙂
You bless me with your words…humbled and so very grateful…thank you.
Marcy, what a gift you are…thank you so very much.
Thank you Amy 🙂
Awww, and I’m thankful for YOU! Blessings to you 🙂
Isn’t God good to give us just what we need when we need it? What an honor to be used as part of His plan for you…I am so thankful for that, and that you shared it with me. What an encouragement you are!
So thankful you’ll take me with slow writing and edited rules! I am not a quick writer and the word has to simmer a while…and even then, it doesn’t flow right out. I suppose that’s the point of FMF, to practice our writing in a conscious stream, but I’ve accepted my limitation and have begged the community to take me anyway…because it’s a community I’m so thankful to be a part of. NO need for discouragement…let’s just come as we are! Thank you for your sweet encouragement to me 🙂
Thank you so much Fiona…and I am blessed by your words…
Oh Crystal, thank you…for your encouragement and for sharing these words with me. As I write that is what I’m praying for, and to know God is doing it is just the best gift of all. Thank you.
Thank you Denise…blessings to you 🙂
Meant to write sooner…internet problems!
Jacque, I just love this one so much……it is so true, so inspiring, and such a blessing to me.
Thanks for sharing from your heart!
Need prayers a/o for grandson, who did well with teeth extractions 2 wks. ago, suddenly having problems.
Thanks and may God bless you!
Jackie S.
I needed this this morning….weary and broken….tired and torn…over worked as a nurse and a mother…with all responsibilities for my home and young children upon my shoulders as my unbelieving husband does as he chooses and lives a disconnected life from me and our children. ….just to hear God tell me once again in the last 12 hours to “Rest in Me”….thankyou! I pray every morning for God to use me in the lives of the patients I care for at work…..and YOU have been used to bless me!
Oh how I understand tired and torn…overworked as a nurse and a mother! I am right with you today seeking to rest in Him and praying for God to use me with my patients and family too. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement that my words are being used to bless you…God is so good. xo