I chose you.
From the beginning of time I had you in mind.
Yes. You. Just exactly as you are.
From before you were created I knew you. And you are, even now, exactly who I intended you to be.
Yes. You.
With all your doubts.
With all your insecurities.
With all you’re wondering.
You with the crooked smile and the short eyelashes and eyes that light up when someone cares. You who serve your family day in and day out and grope for free time in the cracks of your life … to talk with me, or write for me, or just think of me.
From the beginning of time I knew how your heart would be mine … how you would willingly hand it to me to shape and to mold after mine.
I knew you would trust me, not only when life was full of light and joy. No, I knew you would trust me even in the darkness.
Oh, of course I knew you would wrestle with the circumstances. I knew you would question the truth. I even knew you would think and wonder why, wanting to know the reasons for it all. And you must know it’s alright.
I chose you. And I still want you. You are everything to me. [Tweet that]
I long for your company in the cracks of your day. I live to enfold you in my arms, reassure you with my word, and comfort you with the love of my people–people who love me, whom I’ve chosen to love you well.
There is nothing I don’t see, and still, I chose you from the start. No matter what.
Your love affair with me is no accident.
I am moving right beside you wherever you are.
I am going before you at every minute of every day, ordaining exactly what it is I have in mind for you.
I am in control of it all and I give every single moment to you as a love-gift from me.
I am wooing you and drawing you, empowering you and equipping you to be more than you ever would have been alone.
I chose you to represent me. To be my messenger. Because I knew from the beginning you’d be up for the task. I knew your perseverance and commitment would not wane.
And you need to know, those moments in the past, when it seemed your commitment waned? When you, and everyone else around you, thought you had quit and turned your back on me? I don’t want you to worry one little second about that now.
Don’t you see?
I knew all of that was to be.
I knew from before you were created how it all would happen.
And you must know, I used your free choices in the plan I made for you from the beginning of time. None of your choices have been a surprise to me.
I am in control. And I knew how you would return to me … how you had loved me all along.
Don’t you see?
I knew how your choices would perfectly prepare you for and the work I had for you to do.
I knew how I would cause your choices to be used for your good and my glory.
Even though you were doubting it in the midst of your darkness.
I was there. I was working. It had been planned all along.
Let it go. It is passed now. Don’t let the scars hold you from all I have planned for us now.
I chose you. I want to use you, and bless you, and fill you with my power.
You can’t even imagine all I have planned! If I told you, you would never, ever, believe me.
And I know through it all, your faith will sustain you. I see how you run to me … how you ask me for wisdom and beg me for strength.
I chose you. And I am with you. And I will never EVER leave. [Tweet That]
Stay open. Walk with me one step at a time. And I promise it will be a marvelous journey.
I chose you. And I love you just the way you are.
You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. John 15:16 (NASB)
May you really know today how chosen you really are.
What has He chosen you to do?
What is your God-sized dream?
Hi Jacque, ‘tears’ good tears, my new friend. What a blessing that was to read and let His truths infiltrate my heart. Thank you.