They rave about it at our church for weeks … rave about the arrival of Bob Goff. Even my husband is excited about it. And besides imagining the meaning of the words “love does”, I know nothing of what to expect. My expectations are hopeful for a message that moves me, but I have no idea what it will be.
I sit mesmerized by the blue screen with the balloons floating up. The colored balloons. And I can’t lie. I’m attracted to their color and larger-than-life size, reminded of parties and celebrations and joy. I’m lifted by their buoyancy and feeling lighter because of their presence. Still. What does doing love have to do with floating balloons? And just as I’m lost in the pondering, worship music jolts me back. And with the shrug of a shoulder, I wait to see.
We worship about the love of God … how I’m so unworthy, but still He loves me. How He’s who I need. How there’s no other name but Jesus. How the riches of His love will always be enough. And how my heart will sing, no other name, Jesus. Jesus.
As I sing, my insides are tossed and turned at the thought of his love. Not because I’m nervous. But because of how undeservedly blessed I am that He takes a chance on me.
That He wants me.
That He loves me.
In spite of it all.
My insides flip-flop and my heart fills with emotion when I realize, again, there is never EVER anything that can, or will, separate me from His great love.
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)
And then it happens.
Who knew I’d need a seatbelt in church?
Who knew I’d laugh in one second, and then, after the next sentence, feel my eyes water with thanks for the way God loves?
Who knew I’d be captivated and time would fly at the speed of sound and it’d be over before I could absorb it all?
Who knew I’d leave changed, unable to shake this kind of love that does. What a wild ride. I want to get on again. I want to ride over and over until I know the ride by heart.
Bob Goff describes the love of a Savior. A love that doesn’t just think about loving, but a love that does.
What comfort I find as he speaks…
I am part of the bride of Christ. As the doors open, Jesus, my groom, stands at the end of the aisle and grins teary-eyed as He sees me.
He knows me, and still … He loves me.
He does not define me by what I do or who I am.
He sees who I am becoming in Him.
Life sometimes clutters my view of Jesus. It fills with countless things and I can’t even see Him, let alone hear His voice.
The best practice is to just quit something. To look at life and all I’m doing, and just quit. Every week to just quit something, each passing week leaving more room to SEE Him.
It’s true. Sometimes I fake it. I’m a poser, trying too hard.
Because I’m afraid …
Afraid of not doing enough. Not being enough.
Afraid of failing. Afraid I won’t measure up.
But Jesus says … be not afraid. BE. NOT. AFRAID.
I am chosen.
I am called. Called to live a life worthy of my calling.
And what is that?
What am I called to do?
Well … perhaps that’s the wrong question. Maybe the better question is …
What am I good at? What am I REALLY good at? Yeah. Do that. Start there.
What am I bad at? Yeah. Don’t do that. Just don’t.
Everyone wants to make a difference in the world, but few want to live differently. Few want to leave the comfort of thinking about loving and actually do love.
To choose to extend the hands and feet of Jesus.
To SEE who someone is becoming and intentionally choose to show them love.
Like a floating balloon lifts into the sky … We must LIFT THEM UP.
Love does.
And when it does, God moves. He changes everything.
And He wants to blow my mind with all He has in store as I choose to do love.
Bob’s energy is contagious. His love for Jesus is infectious. His acts of love nothing less than pure inspiration for my heart.
His is a message that moves me in deep ways–ways God has already been preparing my heart to hear.
And I am changed.
I stand in the line to meet Bob with his balloon-clad book in hand.
And he oozes the love of Jesus when I meet him.
There are no handshakes with Bob. No way!
With Bob there are only hugs.
There are only eyes locked, intent listening, and words of life-filled encouragement offered…
Get to know Jesus.
Watch what He did, what He said, and where He went.
See who He loved and how He loved.
Stop bible-studying and begin bible-doing.
Do just the next thing. One small step at a time.
Do love. And then watch what God does, and where He leads.
Pay attention to the doors He opens.
Pick those, and just do it again. And again. And again.
And get ready for God to blow your mind!
Forever I will remember the Sharpie-words he writes in my book with his very own hand…
“What a treat to SEE you. Love God. Love people. Do stuff.”
Do stuff. Because LOVE DOES.
I went to church this morning.
I heard Bob Goff.
And I will never be the same.
When is the last time you let your love do stuff?
What happened?
Dear Sweet Jaque
It is not about doing but all about being!! Being in our Lord Jesus, being in Him, in the centre of that great love. Yes, when Jesus loves through us, we do become a bunch of huggers.
Blessings and love from Michelle’s.
Loved this post! Thank you for sharing this. I have had this book on my radar & I think it is time to read it for myself! I visited from Hear It, Use It & I am so glad that I did!
You expressed my thoughts exactly. Everything is still sinking in. It was truly a roller coaster ride.
Yes…I am still soaking and being challenged by him…I walked away seeing…my view of God is too small…Bob sees how small he is and how BIG God is…Love does…learning to see it right under my roof…and watching for doors to be walked through…blessing sweet lady~
Yes, Mia…BEING with Him IS the center of it all and cannot be replaced by doing by any means. Yes. But when we are with Him we begin to become more like Him, with a love that oozes out for those around us. Many, many Christians just get more and more cerebral. And while that isn’t bad, the love of Jesus moves us to do what He did … to love others in extravagant ways. To BE with Him, BECOME like Him in character and deed and BECOME the blessing by doing that love…the kind of loving that never ever gives up or leaves.
Thank you … so grateful you stopped in 🙂
Yes, a roller coaster indeed!
Yes, that is what I’ve really been struggling with…hearing and seeing right under my roof. Being with Him, tuning into what He’s doing around me, and joining Him. What a humbled privilege to walk closely with God, to know our smallness, and choose to join the BIGNESS of Him and what He is doing. And then to get to see how He will indeed blow us away with all He does as we are willing to step out and love in His name. What an exciting journey we have with Him. I sure love you Ro. Have a beautiful day!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I feel EXACTLY the same way!!! I was so blown away at what God did yesterday!!! AND how HE has changed me!!! I am ready to get on a plane and land somewhere… and see what God does!! =) HAHA!!
I’ve been so privileged to hear Bob speak twice now and he blew me away both times. I hope I get to hear him again. He sure does. Love.
He sure does. So very inspiring! Much love to you 🙂 xoxo
Yes! Changed to love like Him. May it be so for us all!
I think I know the next book to read…thanks. I would so much rather love than do but defining the doing is sometimes difficult. Looking forward to reading this book.