Our stories are made to comfort others. And your story can change the world.
Where we’ve been, what we’ve walked through … all that pain and suffering, or guilt and shame, is never, ever wasted, when we surrender it to the Giver of all things and allow Him to use it for good.
Whenever I speak or write about my story, I’m humbled and amazed at the stories women share with me in return.
I hear of their deepest hurts, the tragedy of their brokenness, and the failures that continue to grip their lives with a strength they can’t seem to shake. They speak realities they’ve never shared with anyone before, and write to me with bravery and honesty … and also with their thanks, that I went first.
Being willing to go first is a gift–the gift of comfort.
Many tell me how they felt alone and thought they were beyond hope. And while the details of their situations are all different, one thread weaves through them all. A longing for the comfort of knowing they are not alone.
Sharing our stories lifts hearts, lightens burdens, & gives us hope that we are not alone. [Tweet that]
Let’s face it, after I share, there’s not much worse that can be shared. My story climbs into the top ten of the worst of the worst. But here’s the thing, my willingness to go first and the transparency of my words, bring freedom to imprisoned hearts.
Knowing where I’ve been and how God rescued even me, surprises and comforts and changes others, in ways they never expected were possible.
Our stories change the world.
Sometimes sharing with bravery and courage, in the face of the fear of rejection, is one of the most powerful risks we can take. And maybe, just maybe, it becomes one of the most comforting too.
Because if God did it for me, that means He can do it for you too.
When surrendered to Him, our failures scream the love of our God who never gives up on us.
Our pain resonates the unending mercy that is ours in Him.
And our brokenness echoes the grace He provides.
A gift that’s underserved. A gift that fills in the fractured cracks. A gift He uses to redeem and restore all things.
Your story can change the world because of the comfort others find in your words. [Tweet that]
May you take the risk and go first, and be exhilarated at all God will do!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (ESV)
Have you ever shared your story?
What comfort did others find in your words?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for
5 20 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
Your blog is beautiful, and your heart in this post was so lovely. I’m your newest follower!
Ashley from http://theheartofashley.blogspot.com/
Love your heart. Love your words and your story and your gorgeous face smiling up there in the corner and even more in real life. I am so glad you went first for so many of those souls who needed to know they were not alone. Needed to know hope and mercy and redemption. I just saw you are a new contributor at Allume! Congratulations! I am so proud of you and so excited for you and the ministry you have with your words. You shine, friend.
Thank you so much Ashley! So blessed by you 🙂
Oh my, your words…what a gift you are. Thank you so very much. I adore you and am giving thanks for your friendship…counting the days to October when I get to SEE you! xoxo
I loved this and it really slammed my heart where I needed it this morning. This: “being willing to go first is a gift – the gift of comfort”. SO true and so good. I have a passion for encouraging souls but honestly, I’m a fraidy cat a lot of the time. I lack courage or sometimes I just wonder if it’s God or “just me”, you know?
Sometimes I just need to step out and be the one to go first. Thank you Jacque! You’re a blessing. 🙂
Oh, this is crazy. I wrote and scheduled a post to go live on Monday that is on this exact topic. There is no comfort like that of relating…or not relating…with others’ stories. Such a beautiful post and a beautiful heart behind it. Thank you for your words. 🙂
Wow, that’s wonderful! Thank you for your sweet encouragement!
No more fraidy cat, friend! I’m cheering for you and I can’t wait to hear all God does through you 🙂 Here’s to going first!
“Being willing to go first is a gift–the gift of comfort… my willingness to go first and the transparency of my words, bring freedom to imprisoned hearts.”
Jacque, every time I land here again it’s as though Holy Spirit is waving me in, brightly burning flares held high, just for me. He’s been leading me in several different direction in this on.line writing world (all still quite new for me) but your voice was one of the first that resonated with me and I just want to say again how grateful I am.
At this moment I’m still precariously perched just on the end of that branch, but I am doing so in faith, believing that I am indeed finding the courage to JUMP (as He encouraged me to do, here, through you, back in January!) My words will be His, to create a safe landing for many lost and blind, gazing blankly around them with unseeing eyes, bound in captivity. Those “who mourn in Zion”. I want to offer what I have found: beauty for their ashes… weave new garments (“comforters” if you will;) and offer them a sort of place of permission to shed their old tattered heavy rags.
I desire it with all my heart.
And I just wanted to say thank you for helping to stir those embers!
with a full heart, Valorie
Your words are such a gift to me {sigh}. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to write them to me…and may you jump in His strength and power as you offer your very life to be used for His glory! I am cheering for you from here…Blessings to you Valorie!!