God is the giver of dreams, the mover of mountains, and the fulfiller of all good and perfect gifts …
Gifts He gives in His time.
For the past few months I’ve been a part of a group of women, led by the amazing dreamer-girl Holley Gerth, called the God-sized Dream Team. She wrote an entire book about God-sized dreams, and one hundred of us joined her in a journey–a journey toward our dreams. Exploring their intricacies, facing and conquering our fears, and following hard after them, wherever God would lead.
Holley is a dreamer, and her encouragement helped each one of us. Every single one of Holley’s “dream-team” pursued their dreams with their whole heart, and so much happened in the six months we were together. So much so, that many landed in a place far different from where they thought they were going, but knew God is the one who led them there.
In January I named my God-sized dream…
To build a community in this online space filled with the wonder of His love, moved by the radical power of His grace, and changed by His generous and unending mercy toward each and every one of us, no matter what the situation.
But in the pursuit of my dream, there have been some rough spots along the way. I wasn’t able to write about my dreams and link up with Holley’s dreamers every single week. As much as I wanted to, the myriad of hats I wear prevented me from putting all my dreaming in writing.
But make no mistake, I was dreaming every day. Dreaming, working, and praying for all God wanted for us in this place. And above all, my prayers were filled with begging God to use me.
To allow me to hear His voice.
To empower me to obey.
And to bow low to Him in the quietness of my tiny platform,
Surrendering it to Him, to use and grow it as only He can.
I began a link-up the for the last day of each month, as a place to gather and share how mercy had found us. We met in January and you came. But then, in February, I was on a vacation, with no internet access. In March it was Easter weekend and I opted to delay. In April I passed on hosting it again. Until finally, the last day of May just passed me by. And to be honest, I have been disappointed in not following through, and I’m the one who missed out on your presence in this place.
There’s nothing more I love, than to hear how God’s grace blessed you and how His mercy found you right where you are.
But as I pursued my dream with those dreamers, there is also so much God HAS done.
I spent the year on the women’s ministry speaking team at my church, encouraging women in the study of God’s Word. To be asked was such an honor. Speaking is so challenging, but once I’m there with them I’m energized to share.
I shared my personal story as a speaker three times this spring, and was so humbled at the response of the women who were there. I also was asked to speak at A Woman Inspired Conference and was so honored to be included as a speaker among that amazing team of women.
I wrote monthly with the lovely Brooke McGlothlin and her wonderful team, over at The MOB Society: a site daily encouraging and inspiring mothers of boys.
I became the recipient of a scholarship for B.L.A.S.T.–a year-long mentorship program with Shannon Ethridge, building leaders, authors, speakers and teachers.
I continued working hard writing to you in this space at least twice every week. Sharing whatever was on my heart, in pictures and in word.
And just one month ago, within a single week, I was asked by three different contributor sites to join their writing teams:
Hope for the Weary Mom: a site providing inspiration and hope for every weary mom’s heart.
Allume: a site dedicated to supporting and inspiring women who have ministries online, especially women who minister through the social media medium.
Unveiled Wife: a site dedicated to the encouragement of wives to build strong, God-honoring marriages.
All within one week!
And that isn’t all. Just last week, I passed some major social media milestones:
Over 300 subscribers to this blog
Over 500 likes on our Facebook Page
Over 1000 followers on Twitter
And before you correct me and claim the numbers don’t matter, you’re wrong. They are everything, because each number represents a life.
A life who has chosen to join this community.
A life who most likely knows of brokenness.
A heart that longs to be mended.
A person who needs grace and wants to be found by God’s mercy too.
These lives … these numbers … are everything to me.
At the Allume conference last October, Ann told us to come to our writing broken.
To take the bare bits of ourselves and write in all our beautiful brokenness, laying our story on an altar, because it all belongs to Him.
To never resent a small platform.
And to know that if our writing touches even just one life, our platform was big enough.
I began to pray and ask God to do just that through me. As I wrote, I asked Him to touch lives, and to allow me to see the life He would touch.
And do you know something? Last month, that email came.
Because of Him–Him using the gift I’d given Him, the writing I placed on an altar for Him to use in this place–a reader found Him again.
She came and believed she could be found by mercy.
She dared to begin to forgive herself.
And this month she was brave enough to stand before her church and share her story.
Only God can do that! Only Him!
So these changed lives, these growing numbers, they are everything to me. Not because they’re following me, but because together, we’re following Him. [Tweet that]
They allow me to keep writing with purpose. They grow the chance that one day I would be allowed to publish a book. They build our community, which is required in order to have the privilege to travel as a Compassion Blogger, or to be a philanthropic policy-changer–a voice who can speak God’s message of mercy to the world.
A message many hearts so desperately need to hear.
A message that is timeless … for all hearts, of all ages, in all situations, for all time.
God’s grace is enough. His lovingkindness never ends. And His mercy can find anyone, right where they are. [Tweet that]
I’m so thankful to Holley, for the privilege to be one of her God-sized dreamers, and to all my fellow “dream team” for their inspiration along the way.
And I pray, for this mercy-centered place, that this is just the very beginning of all God has in store.
What dream has God fulfilled for you?
How did it happen?
To read the words of all the God-sized dream team,
join us over at Holley’s place.
We’re sharing all that’s come of our dreams,
and I know their words will bless you so!
What a beautiful story of God’s handiwork! I’m rejoicing with you and look forward to meeting you in October!
Thank you Kathy…I can’t wait either!! Yay Allume 🙂
Hi Jacque, as I read your beautiful post, all I could contain within me was -‘me too, me too’ 🙂
I am very much on a dreaming big journey wth God, and He has blessed me with some mind blowing, amazing, wonderful dreams. I am waiting, praying, and listening with an expectant heart.
It truly is amazing how God speaks with us, when we cast our ‘what is possible in our understanding’ aside, and just live with all that is possible within God’s hands. He gave me one dream, that is so precious to me, and since sharing it, I have had all sort of things happen that can only be described as the firery arrows. But God is so good. I am looking forward to seeing this totally impossible dream become possible 🙂
I wrote about my dream here – http://ow.ly/lFNZT
I am praising our Lord, for the blessings He is pouring upon your life.
I also wanted to let you know that I have added your blog to a guest post I wrote, ’50 Christian women bloggers to follow’. Thank you for the encouragement you share.
Amen, What a beautiful way to sum up all we’ve done and all we’ve become in six months. Peace and good to you, sweet dreamer. I can’t wait to dance to all your victories.
Peace and good to you in Jesus’ name,
I am so excited for what has happened to and through you over the past six months, my fellow dreamer, and looking forward to meeting you at Allume, too!
My dream is to speak at Allume. To that end, I have become a Toastmaster member, and have spoken to a women’s business group, which was delightfully well-received. During our process, I had one site ask me to be a contributor, and I was chosen for a slot on another. Most of all, though, I received such rich and Godly encouragement from the team, a dream and a need I did not know I had, but one for which I later realized I had thirsted.
God is so faithful, and just requires us to have faith in Him, to trust in Him.