I see you scurrying and hurrying and worrying to find me. I see you looking for me and listening for my voice. I know you want to know my will and I see the genuine way you search for me wherever you are.
And sweet child, you must know, I hear you. And I listen when you call.
I listen as your pen scratches out those heart-revealing prayers each and every day.
I listen when you wonder if I’m really near and you’re wishing I’d just send you a memo from way up here. Oh how your pure-seeking-spirit delights my heart.
I listen as you string your words together and grope for me, begging to be used and to be filled and to make a difference in this world. I listen as you ask for wisdom and beg for guidance as you lead those little lives I gave you.
I hear you. And I listen when you call. [Tweet that]
Don’t you see? It’s not a trick to find me. I’m not hiding from you or being elusive at all. I’m so very close. My spirit indwells you. And my Word is the very black-and-white, written-so-clear guide, from my heart to yours.
Rest in my promises.
Feast in my character.
Read of how I interacted with my people long ago.
I am the same yesterday today and forever.
There is no secret to hearing my voice or knowing my will. The Word says so many times, “This is my will for you…”And besides that? In my divine providence, I have ordered others into your life, to be with you. Others who love me and who love you too. Listen to them. They know me too. And I’ve given them in your life so you can know me more. Watch for the circumstances I’m orchestrating around you every day. Be faithful to spend time with me and read my Word.
And rest. Rest in knowing I’m Sovereign, I’ve got this, and I am in control. [Tweet that]
Watch for the gifts I give. Name them and know they’re from me.
Keep loving your neighbor with passion and me with all you’re heart.
And in each moment you’ll know what to do. As you abide and watch and wait you’ll see exactly what I desire for you.
No need for fear.
No second guessing.
No waiting or being stuck-paralyzed, fretting if you’ve heard me right.
No matter what, I can make beauty from ashes, and I work all things for good. And I already know every choice you’re going to make.
Listen for me and then go. I long for you to just go.
Because I love you. I’ve got big plans for us each and every day. You won’t believe all I have in store.
Have you ever been stuck, fretting if you’re hearing God?
How have you struggled to know He’s listening when you call?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for
5 10 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt: Listen…
I love this line: Don’t you see? It’s not a trick to find me. I’m not hiding from you or being elusive at all. I’m so very close. Thank you for encouraging me today!
Oh my goodness!!!! Tears fell as I read your words. I could hear the Lords heart & truth in them. Thank you! You are in God’s will.
Oh, I’m so so thankful He hears, He listens, and He waits . . . for us to turn our face to Him. To God be all the glory.
Love this. Yes, He is sovereign, and He listens when we call. Sometimes it can be hard to know if it’s God, but He is so faithful. When we want to obey Him and be in His will we can’t miss Him. He is sovereign. Thanks for writing. Blessings to you! Disqus won’t let me sign in….I blog at godschick.net.
Hi Jacque! I am visiting you from Five Minute Friday. I am a nurse too, I worked for 12 years in an OB/GYN office. So crazy, but such a wonderful place to see God at work.
“Beauty from ashes”…isn’t that good news?
Nice to meet you! I hope we’ll get to know each other better 🙂
Peace in Christ,
So so good, Jacque. He is, indeed, right there when we call. I am so grateful.
I am so blessed that He love me so much that He not only hears me when I cry out to Him but he listens too
Oh, I loved this. Such a comforting reminder to know we are heard.
This is beautiful encouragement for my heart this morning.
Yet another encouragement to just rest and trust…so needing that HUGE reminder today (and every day)!!
What a beautiful peace bringing message. I needed this today. Thanks and God bless.
What a beautiful prayer – so full of God’s grace – which I so need daily. Bless you and have a wonderful weekend 🙂