I remember when your heart thought it couldn’t go on.
How you cried to me in the night when there was no one there but Me.
How you were so broken and your pain was so great and you thought you might break right in two.
I remember the circumstances of your failure.
How you chose the moment instead of Me.
How you were convinced it would satisfy.
How you were looking for the rush in the now.
I know you heard My voice, and you definitely knew My Word. Yet I watched as you turned and walked away.
It may surprise you to know, I wasn’t concerned. I knew the future and I had ordained even your failure.
I know it’s hard for you to believe.
But My complete control of all things allows me to do even that.
See now that I, I am He, and there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded and it is I who heal, and there is no one who can deliver out of my hand. Deuteronomy 32:39 (NASB)
And I know what’s best for you.
I knew you needed failure to understand my mercy more.
I knew you needed to feel shame to appreciate the depths of my grace.
Because sometimes it is one thing to intellectually know it, but it’s another to so desperately need it. Because when you experience My grace in such deep and profound ways is when your life can more brightly reflect My grace to others.
Even though it may seem, to some, that I tolerated your childish choices and allowed you to walk away, I knew all along you weren’t leaving.
You loved me. We had been close.
But the thing is, you had so much to learn. And I tried to allow you to learn it in simpler ways … ways that caused less pain. But in the end, this was the only way. This became the door to all I had planned for you. This was the epitome of Me molding and making you into who I needed you to be.
Because from the beginning of time I’ve had big things planned for you and me. Things requiring preparation.
And sometimes, being broken, is the only preparation suitable for the amazing things I have in store. [Tweet that]
So you must know today, through the pain and brokenness, I am with you. I am right beside you, lovingly guiding you through your mess. And you must know, I have wholeness waiting for you on the other side.
I am your healer. I am ready when the time is right, to heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds. I am eager to redeem all you’ve walked through and restore you to wholeness. A wholeness you’ve not known before.
Sure you’ll wear scars. I realize it’s part of the process. But you shouldn’t feel alone.
My Son wears them too, all for you.
And the scars you bear will be the evidence of my healing power in you. Every time you remember, every time you wince at the pain you endured, may you know it was for a purpose.
Just as my Son’s scars were.
Because of my great love, because of my great plan for you, I am near.
And I will heal you, that you may go and be the proof of my love to the world.
A world that so desperately needs healing.
A world that needs to see your mended scars to know, that what I have done for you, I will do for them.
Never forget, my plans are always for your good. I am in complete control. I’m holding you in every moment. And I’m ready to calm your raging seas, when I know it’s time.
So until then … until it is time for the healing to come, trust in Me.
Know I’m more than enough for you.
And as your healer, I long for you to know, I am all you’ll ever need.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds… Psalm 147:3 (NASB)
How has God used the broken pieces of your life?
How have you been healed?
by Kari Jobe
Written by Michael GuglielmucciTo view the video Healer, by Kari Jobe, click here
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over on Facebook today, to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for
5 15 minutes flat with the prompt she gives. And today, the prompt is:
This is beautiful, Jacque. Psalm 147:3 is one of my favorite scriptures. There is so much mercy within those words. Your writing is beautiful and blesses me every time I read. Have a great weekend!
Jacque: love this letter, it`s a healing letter. Love that!!. Love you…..
You are so kind…your words bless me so. Thank you so much…blessings to you as well!
Thank you so much Carol..yes healing and wholeness all because of HIm! Hoping all is well with you…xoxo
Beautiful words. Yes–our own scars can and should be a testimony to the world! And to show people that His scars were for our ultimate good.
This is a gorgeous letter — thank you for it. It gave me goosebumps. I especially loved this: “It may surprise you to know, I wasn’t concerned.”
Thank you Jacque. Just what I needed to hear this morning.
He is my Healer . . . what amazes me is that He heals me even when I’ve deliberately hurt Him by making wrong choices. His grace never ends!
Thank you Katie…may they see and know His goodness!
Thank you so much Natalie…loved finding you at FMF!
Oh Laura, you’re so welcome…so blessed you visit me here! Love to you…
Yes. I join you in standing amazed and in awe of His great mercy and grace…and how it finds us right where we are!
Thank you for this post today…it was exactly what I needed to hear this morning. Last night I prayed to God (something I have put aside for quite a while) to heal me! I asked for His forgiveness for straying from Him. I thanked him for His whispers that kept nudging my heart to seek Him again. I asked for His leading and guiding. Things have been quite difficult for my family lately and I chose to walk away instead of grow closer and seek Him. I prayed these things last night and then this morning THIS post and a face book post from my pastor…”Whispers from God help us to repent and start following Jesus”. These were definitely God answering my prayers and comforting his child. Thank you Father for loving me!