At the end of every month, Emily Freeman writes a post sharing what she’s learned. Some are small things, some are big. Some serious and some light-hearted. But it’s always fun to read what she’s discovering. And she’s hosting a link-up on her blog, where everyone can meet and share what they’ve learned too.
So come on in and join the party!
In no particular order, here are 10 things I learned in the month of August…
1. God orchestrates divine appointments and works His plan through us, if we let Him.
In August, I was able to attend The Declare Conference in Dallas, Texas, something that worked out at the last-minute. And the combination of circumstances allowing me to go were only the prelude to what God had in mind for me there. The way He works and weaves all circumstances for our good continues to amaze me again and again.
2. Insanity has proven to be every bit as insane as they advertise, especially to these 42-year-old knees. I strained my right medial tendons on day 46 of 60, which may or may not be related to all the crazy back-and-forth plyometric jumping Shaun T requires as I “dig deeper”. Thankfully after almost a week off, I think I’m recovered enough to finish the last 2 weeks. Let’s hope my old-lady knees can make it!
3. When no other water is available, bees like pool water. Ask me how I know? Well, we visited my parent’s home in Central California last weekend–the 23-acre walnut orchard surrounding the same house I grew up in. And the kids were so excited to swim in the pool–the same pool I swam in as a kid.
However, because the farmers stopped irrigating the fields nearby, the next door neighbor’s honeybees had no water and were desperate in their hives. So what did those smart little guys do? The flew over to my parent’s pool and made themselves at home, hovering and buzzing away at their leisure. Preventing us from swimming until dusk, when they went home for the night. I will say, they are hard workers!
4. I have great love for Pinkberry pomegranate yogurt with strawberries & granola. One could say it’s a high-maintenance addiction, both in calories and cost. But who’s counting, right? Have YOU tried Pinkberry?? I’m just sayin’!
5. A program called Time Machine exists on a Mac. Ask me how I know? Well, I’ll tell ya. Let’s just say, one should always think twice when one’s computer asks if they want to replace a document. Oh yes, in case you’re wondering, this is going where you think it’s going.
Homeschool prep is a beast anyway, and there’s no way around that fact when I’m prepping for 5th, 4th, and 2nd grade this year. But I hastily and inadvertently replaced a newer document with an older one and lost a whole week’s worth of lesson plans. {sigh} And if I’d known about Time Machine and had it set it up already, it could have been my savior. Could. Have. Been. (Insert sad face here.)
6. There is no predicting traffic driving to work in the morning. There’s just no rhyme nor reason for it. The freeways here are crazy and even though I leave 90 minutes before work starts, it’s no guarantee I’m arriving on time. Most of the time I do, but sometimes I don’t. And it is, what it is.
7. So far, Romans 8 is harder to memorize than Romans 1… flesh, spirit, mind, flesh, spirit…whew! I’ve found myself tongue-twisted several times. But although my mind spins, and I’m barely keeping up, God is faithful to help me each week, just two verses at a time. Join me?
8. Birthdays at eleven are a really BIG deal. Especially when they involve hosting a sleepover of girls snacking, chatting, and staying up super late. And be forewarned, don’t plan on getting much sleep when you’re the parent hosting such a party. Ask me how I know? I have experience. Trust me.
9. Changing computer documentation at work is super stressful. We attended eight hours of classes this month in preparation to change our nursing documentation. One computer system for another, and the removal of some documentation on paper that will now take place electronically. And let me just say it sent me escalating for a bit. So now, to comply with federal information-gathering and reimbursement requirements, we will be asking a crazy amount of questions to our huffing and puffing patients as they are about to deliver … including questions about their second-hand smoke exposure, caffeine usage and frequency, and so much more. Let’s just say it may not be a great idea for you to have a baby on our launch day. Oy-vey! Why is change so hard?
10. There is just not enough time to write every post I want to write. I have so many ideas but such limited time. Between homeschooling, working at the hospital, and all my household duties I’m having to settle for doing what I can. And I won’t lie, I fall into the comparison trap and feel behind compared to my other writing friends, who are growing their platforms and building their tribes.
And as much as I want to keep up with others who are in a different season, I’m learning to accept that it’s possible I can not. God has a perfect plan for me in this season, and I am longing to embrace the now thing that He gives. A home, a husband, five kids … the oldest ending his school years and the youngest finishing the first of many school years this June. A year of 12th grade all the way down to Kindergarten, with many milestones in between to enjoy.
So tell me, what did you learn in August?
And don’t forget to hop on over to Emily’s place
and read what everyone else is learning!
First of all, you’re not 42. That was a typo. Right? Seriously, girl, you look amazing.
I’m so stoked that declare was so amazing and that you got to go. I enjoyed praying for declare and watching the tweets as I snuggled my newborn.
Traffic on the way to work….ugggh. I get it.
And your comment about not writing every post and comparison. Yep. With you there. I’ve forgotten how draining it can be–emotionally and mentally to flesh out a full post. Goodness.
Anywho…I loved this and just keep writing, just keep writing, just keep writing writing writing.
Your blog is always an inspiration.
I did insanity last winter. Those jumps almost killed me! I noticed a huge change in my body but sadly quit working out again. I’m starting again tomorrow. Pray for me! Happy Labor Day!
I enjoy your blog a lot. I am glad I found you through a google image. I have a child starting kindergarten this year and one entering high school and two entering sixth grade and a couple more in between. It is our first year to have kids at three different schools. I think the paperwork is going to kill me. LOL. I am amazed at your ability to homeschool and work and parent. Way to go Momma!
Hopping on over from Emily’s to leave you some love! I totally relate to #10 – where exactly does the time go?? Grace and blessings to you!
Yes, Miss Kristina…42! And thank you ma’am 🙂 Thank you for your encouraging words … you bless me so!
I know right? Those jumps…ugh! And I AM praying for you as you go … as you “dig deeper” :))
Ah yes, that paperwork…I so know about that. Thank you for your kind and generous words. I am so very glad google could connect us, what a blessing! May your school year be blessed!
Thank you so much Anna, for stopping by and for your sweet words!