I want you to know I see your heart.
I know your motives.
I sense your effort in longing to please me.
How you read my words, write your prayers, and memorize my ways. And I love how you see others I’ve made–how you seek to connect with them and love them too.
But in the process I also see how you fill with strife and self-doubt and way too much stress in your effort. And while honoring me is good, you are way too hard on yourself in the process.
Didn’t you learn this years ago, when I rescued you from that pit and yanked you up by your arms all dripping and dirty and mangled from the mud?
Haven’t we been through this time and time again, how my grace is a gift, and how it really is enough?
Not only grace for your salvation, but grace for your daily mishaps and messes.
I don’t expect you to be perfect. I already know you never will be. But I love you just the same. I am your Father and you are special to me, even in your imperfection.
And by the way, while we’re on that topic, it doesn’t matter what others are doing for me. Please don’t let that be your concern. Because I have plans for you.
Big things I need you to do.
Weighty and impactful plans I’ve designed for your gifts and specific personality to accomplish.
Why do you insist on looking all around and wishing you could do what I’ve planned for them to do? If you would just focus and do each thing I ask, without doubt or hesitation, I promise your heart would be so fulfilled and satisfied.
You linger and long for something more.
When all you need to do is press in to the next thing I’ve given you now, right before you.
Even though you can’t see what’s next.
Because I know, if I were to show you the whole entire plan…
First of all you’d never believe me,
Second you’d get totally overwhelmed,
And third your fear would paralyze you and you’d never be able to get where I have us headed.
You’d get stuck. And to be completely honest, you’d freak out. And that would render you useless to me.
So instead of comparing, and at times complaining, over where you are, would you please just lighten up a little? Stop being so hard on yourself.
I see the five children I’ve given to you. I know I’ve called you to educate them and spend huge amounts of time with them and I realize it is taking up the time you think you need to be doing other things for me. But would you just trust me? I have a plan. Keep following me, and know there is going to be enough time.
I know you also work as a nurse. I’m the one who called you to that. And don’t you see I give you assignments there too?
You are making art each time you comfort and care for a woman who is scared.
With every soft word you offer in the middle of their pain.
Each time you stop all your documentation-tasks and spend time with her, or calmly teach her, or help her bond with her new baby in the most tender of ways.
Don’t you see? This, too, is kingdom work to which I have called you … and you are right where I want you to be.
And I’ve also asked you to write–to write of my great love, and my magnificent mercy, and the grace gifts I give that never end.
And yes, you haven’t heard wrong. I want you to do all these things, but not in the way you think. Because there is no one you need to keep up with, not any one right way to write posts and no super special way to manage social media.
Stop being so hard on yourself. Lean into Me. [Tweet that]
I’ve got this, and I will show you what to do. But it may not be in the way or at the time you think you need to know. I have a plan and am preparing you for something special with me.
And as we accomplish special things, I am giving you grace.
And don’t you see?
My grace is enough.
I give it even though you don’t deserve it, because of my great love for you. Because I chose you and long for you and desire to continue to redeem you, that your very life, all of your life, will point others to me.
And how could it possibly point others to me, if it was all about you?
How would my glory shine bright if it was all about what you did, how you strove, and how you accomplished it all?
Don’t you see? That would never work.
So this day, won’t you let it sink in to your heart way down deep.
Give yourself grace and accept it from me … this grace-gift from me that never ends.
Because I long for you to know, my grace really is enough.
Are you hard on yourself?
In what way could you allow more grace for your heart?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, over at her site today, to just write in just five minutes (for me today it was 20) without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
Oh how I needed these words TODAY Jacque. His Grace truly is sufficient for all that I need. Thank you!
Your new blog look is beautiful. I really think it is nice. the words are amazing… thank you.
Yes Caryn…sufficient for you and for me, and I’m so thankful! So lovely to meet you at Allume!
Thank you Sharon…blessings to you!
Fantastic post, Jacque….I love it and needed it. Blessings on you and your family.
And you as well Jacque. I wish we had been able to have a deeper discussion…perhaps we’ll be able to meet for coffee sometime as I don’t think we live too far from each other.
You have so beautifully captured God’s tender heart toward us. And also how sometimes I think he just wants to shake us by the shoulders and tell us to let go of ourselves so we can grab more of him. This especially resonates with my heart:
You linger and long for something more.
When all you need to do is press in to the next thing I’ve given you now, right before you.
Thank you for sharing. You are doing well. Keep pressing into that next thing. Can’t wait to see what He brings next for you, friend.
I love this letter. ‘I’ve got this!’ Just what I need to hear, like every day! 🙂 Thank you for oozing grace. <3