It was an ordinary Sunday afternoon. That is until the storm began. The storm that wasn’t in our Southern CA forecast–the spring flash storm we weren’t even expecting.
The sun was shining with a brilliant blue sky.
And then the clouds rolled in, announcing the beginning–blocking the sun, and darkening the sky.
Then the wind took charge, howling and sweeping through, to bend the poplars and toss the lawn furniture to and fro. And as the rain came down, the hail began, plummeting the patio and pool in a mighty torrent we’re not used to seeing here.
The lightning flashed in the distance and the thunder echoed in a cracking boom, and we began to be afraid.
I stood with the kids underneath the patio eves, mesmerized by the scene before me–in shock this was happening. Just thirty minutes before, it has been an ordinary sunny California day.
But that all changed in an instant.
No sun. Mighty wind. Wet and cold. Ice reigning down. Flashes of light followed by electric booms of sound.
And then, as if a switch was flipped, it was over. As if nothing even happened. As abruptly as it began, it ended, leaving a mess of evidence behind to make us ever so aware it had come.
The storm changed things.
Rearranged things.
Tossed and turned things.
Leaving a mess of things in its mighty wake.
And that’s what mighty storms do. They change us in mighty ways. [Tweet that]
In an unexpected flash we’re tossed and turned and rearranged.
Unexpected and unwanted.
Broadsided while unaware.
With mighty power, swayed and bent–drenched by water and dented by hail.
Turned around,
And left facing a direction to see the mess from an angle we’d not seen before.
We picked up the day after the storm–pillows still wet, chairs a bit scratched, and an umbrella broken by its fall.
But one by one, we pulled the pillows from the pool, stood the chairs on end, and perched the umbrella where it belonged, even though it no longer opened. Not for a while anyway.
And it may not have been apparent the day after the storm, but in time we came to know it well.
The pillows dried.
The scratched chairs sat upright again.
And the umbrella opened, after we patched and repaired its spoke.
And while it was no longer the exact yard it once was, it was still ours.
Still the same, but better–now bearing the mark of the mighty storm it had endured.
It was a storm that came and went.
The yard was better from its coming.
And so were we.
Have you met an unexpected storm in your life?
How did it change you?
I’m joining Lisa-Jo, whose first published book, Surprised by Motherhood, is releasing in four days! Pre-order it now!!!
…TRUST ME, you DO NOT want to miss this book. (You can even read the first three chapters for FREE here.)
I’m over at her site today, to just write. The challenge is to write with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt:
I’m so glad I went back through the link up and started randomly picking other posts to read. 🙂 I love this so much, Jacque…and I needed to read it. Right now, I am sitting on my couch staring out our back door as a storm rages outside. The wind is howling, rain is beating, thunder is pounding and lightning is showing its wonder. Our back yard looks like a pool…and we don’t have a pool. The past few days have been a little trying and I think sometimes I forget just how mighty my God is compared to the circumstances of my life. Even though the storm may be mighty, my God is bigger.
Bless you, girlfriend! Unsuspected storms come and go throughout life. Some violent, some for a short season, but as you have shared the evidence they came is undeniable. Thank you for giving a picture of “mission storm clean-up”! I have had a season of hiding after a huge storm, I have been coming out into the sunshine, and yes, picking up the mess! I love that your family worked together…isn’t that how the Body of Christ is on our best day! I may have a dented umbrella, but as you have written so beautifully, my life is better for it!
And He is Ami. In the middle of it, it is so very hard to see. And yet seeing is always in our perspective isn’t it? Because He is bigger, and mightier than whatever we are facing. And couldn’t it be that what we think is a lack of blessing from Him, really is, we just can’t see His view. What a visual God is giving you this morning. Much love to you!
They come and go, indeed, Kathryn. And isn’t the key pressing in to Him? Leaning IN and not away? Learning more and more each time to trust and abide? He is so faithful to meet us there. A savior who knows suffering and is acquainted with grief, whose companionship never fails. So thrilled you’re in a bit of sunshine again. Sending so much love to you and all you are to me…xo
We missed the storm drama in Rialto, but had some rain. But the storms of life, those I know.
Love that line: “And that’s what mighty storms do. They change us in mighty ways.” So true! Thanks for your words and beautiful pictures!
Beautiful! Oh if we could be brave in every storm. Thank you for your words today!
Great comparison of the unexpected storms in our lives. Linked up from FMF . Great to get to know others with a desire to impact.
I love your post!! The visual captured me from the beginning!!! We just had one of those storms too- just this afternoon, the sky was clear, then the floodgates opened up and dumped the rain and wind, then it was gone! I am amazed by how quickly a storm can move through, but you’re right, time will clean it up- will heal it- and make the damage “all better!”
Your piece brought back a mighty reminder that if it were not for God’s grace, we would have failed miserably through the emotional and physical storms over the years. Those stormy trials hinged our souls deep into God’s word and into his love. And we are forever changed. Thanks for sharing on FMF. More Grace, Donna
Yes. The storms of life. Hope you are well friend. Sending so much love to you. What a gift to have met you at (in)RL last year. Will we get to see you again?
Mighty change, making us more like Him if we let it. Thank you Steph for your kind encouragement..
Me too Tonia, me too. It’s a journey, yes? Two steps forward, one back, then forward again with lots of grace along the way!
So thankful you stopped by from FMF…isn’t that community just the best?
Yes! So quickly. And what’s so crazy is the temperature that day went from ninety degrees to the falling of hail within about forty minutes. It was so amazing. And isn’t that just like life? So thankful for our God who never wavers, no matter the storm.
Ah. yes Donna, God’s amazing grace. Storms propelling us to Him, deeper into His Word and His love. So much wonderful grace. Blessings to you Donna!