1. Some schedules require a larger-than-checkbook-size, color-coded calendar. Originally, only the boys were going to play baseball this spring. That is, until we arrived at the Starbucks by the bonfire to complete their registration. It was there we learned there was a softball program too. And so, at the last-minute, we signed the girls up to play. And while they are all loving it, the schedule is crazy. So crazy in fact, I’ve had to resort to using a large calendar and erasable colored pens to keep track of all the practices, games, and snacks. Wish me luck!
2. Snowball fights bring laughter, and laughter really is good medicine. Snow is a novelty for us here in Southern California, and we spent a weekend in the mountains last month when the snow had freshly fallen to the ground. And the kids could not wait to don their snow gear and play outside. They proceeded to barricade themselves behind forts they’d constructed, and launched snowballs at each other for hours. So much fun!
3. Texting is easier than ever. By dragging my finger from one letter to another, my phone automatically writes the word. And while it is possible I was the last to learn about this finger slide texting, it is super convenient, fun, and saves time.
4. As I read my Bible each day, God cares more about my heart being changed than He does about the number of pages I read. This year I’m using the ESV Daily Reading Bible which will be taking me through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice by the end of the year.
But I’m already behind.
And as I was beginning to cave to that “less than” feeling for not being caught up to where I was supposed to be, a wise friend who is reading along with me this year admitted she was “behind” too. And instead of fretting, she shared how although she wasn’t where she wanted to be, she was reading some each day, giving thanks anyway, and allowing whatever truth she did read to penetrate her heart with purpose, and transform her even still. And I say, yes. Yes and AMEN to that!
5. Hair powder has miracle hair-lifting power. At the Allume conference last fall, while standing in Emily Freeman‘s book signing line, I learned about hair powder from Emily and was excited to try it. But when I got home, I’d forgotten what it was called and by the time I asked Emily about it again, months had gone by. I did finally find it and try it myself. And can I just say? Even though I may be the last to discover it, Wow! Amazing. And with this stuff, who really needs hairspray anymore?
6. Two of my favorite online friends released amazing books this last month.
Jennifer Dukes Lee has written a book called Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval-and Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes
. It is ministering to me in beautiful ways and I am so thankful for her encouragement and example to get real with our own hearts in deep places, and lay down our love idols again and again.
And Lisa-Jo Baker‘s book, Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected about Being a Mom, is one of the best books about mothering I’ve ever read. Full of stories and poignant moments, Lisa-Jo takes us on a journey out of our tired weariness and into the glory motherhood can be, holding our hand the whole way. Her writing is magnificent and as you turn page after page, you will wish it to go on and on and never end. Just lovely.
7. Failure is never final unless you quit trying. Last Easter I began The Romans Project, after failing in my attempt to memorize the Sermon on the Mount. I joined a small group of women, and week after week we joined arms, memorizing one verse at a time. Together, we finished last month.
One year. Three chapters. By heart.
And I am changed.
8. Girls nights out are good for the soul. Sometimes I just can get enough of my in-real-life friends. Last month, between previewing Mom’s Night Out Movie, eating at the Cheesecake Factory one time, and PF Chang’s the next, Barnes and Noble lingering, and Pinkberry indulging, the hours spent connecting and chatting were so recharging.
9. Walking with someone through grief is a holy experience. I cared for two patients this past month whose babies both died at 19 weeks. And what an honor and privilege to have been with them in the middle of their grief–to be given the chance to attempt to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the most practical of ways. Humbling. Holy. And such a gift.
10. Receiving thoughtful snail mail makes me want to send more letters to those who mean so much to me. Last week, there it was in the mailbox. A note. To ME. With a stamp and an envelope and a hand-written message full of words that blessed my heart in deep ways.
May I be better at doing the same for those I love.
What is something you learned in March?
This got me thinking about how one could learn so much in one month! But, indeed, you did….and I did…and probably many other women did, too. 1) God showed me Colossians 2: 6,7, and 9-reminding me of two things. One, that I have been taught so much by Him through the years, that there is this deep well of experiences, stories, aha! moments, and words from the Holy Spirit — and that I need to never forget those, but use them, share them, and be “rooted, built up, and established” because of His faithfulness. Two, that I am complete in HIm, and chasing after other things that I think will complete me, is foolishness–and empty. 2) I love theater, and being a “backstage mom”, helping the kids prep for the stage. My daughter was in her first play (“Annie”)…and it was so fun. We both caught the bug! 3) Sometimes, we have to re-evaluate what we think is going to be “too hard” to accomplish…and start taking steps. 4) Self-pity is miserable. 5) I had read “My Single Mom Life” by Angela Thomas (which is a must-read if you ARE one, or you KNOW one!), and learned so much. One thing she encourages, is that you continue to make your house a home–even if your life seems to be missing a piece–because your kids need traditions, comfort, old photos and stories, connections, favorite recipes…they need a mom that is established, and a mom that is outwardly thankful for the blessings received from God. They need to move forward with the life they have with you. Whew! Big month! And I thought the only big thing was my 45th birthday! 🙂 Guess not. Thank you for your inspiration to think about these things 🙂