Welcome to episode 043 of Mud Stories!
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Mud Stories is a podcast dedicated to bringing you inspiration in your muddiest moments, hope to make it through your mud, and encouragement for you to know, you are not alone.
In today’s episode I’m talking with Kitty Hurdle—a missionary, momma to two, and wife to her husband Joel, who resides in the deep south of Mississippi.
Kitty feels most alive and connected to Christ when she’s writing, teaching and shepherding the hearts God has put under her care. She loves to laugh with her kids, have soul-stirring conversations with her husband, and freezer-meal cook or consignment-shop with friends.
Kitty and her family serve on the mission field with CRU in Oxford, Mississippi at Ole Miss and their greatest joy is reaching the campus for Christ in hopes of changing the world for His glory.
In this episode Kitty shares:
- Her struggle as a workaholic
- The anxiety that came from finding her identity in what she does instead of who she is
- The difficulty she faces in the midst of unexplained infertility and adoption
- And their family journey through the adoption process of adopting a sibling pair
Kitty describes:
- How she wanted a charmed life instead of a changed life
- How her mud led her to a surrender and a closer relationship with God
- How sharing our sadness with safe people can be so helpful
- And how there is hope and joy to be found even in the middle of hard things
Kitty shares with confidence and clarity and it is my hope you are encouraged by her story, no matter what you are facing. Enjoy!
Mud Stories 043: “There is hope & joy to be found even in the midst of this hard thing..” @kitty_hurdle #MudStories [Tweet that]
And after you listen, I’d be SO grateful if you’d take the time to give a rating or review over at iTunes, to help others find this podcast. (follow the instructions below)
Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food…
yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (ESV)
CONNECT with Kitty:
- Kitty’s website: www.kittyandjoel.com
- Donate to Joel and Kitty’s Campus Crusade ministry: HERE
- Campus Crusade for Christ
- Meyer’s Briggs Temperment Types
- Infertility–Finding God’s Peace in the Journey
, by Lois Flowers
- Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things
, by Sara Hagerty
- Holding On to Hope: A Pathway through Suffering to the Heart of God
, by Nancy Guthrie
- Contact Kitty to join her Infertility Book Club
Right click here and save-as, to download this podcast episode. (If reading this in email, click HERE)
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[…] been teaching me, my new friend Jacque Watkins interviewed me for her podcast Mud Stories. Click HERE or the image below to listen […]