Welcome to episode 055 of Mud Stories!
Mud Stories is a podcast dedicated to bringing you inspiration in your muddiest moments, hope to make it through your mud, and encouragement for you to know, you are not alone.
In today’s episode I’m talking with Gary Morland, writer, father to two grown daughters, and grandfather to six. He and his wife Brenda reside near their girls in North Carolina and are passionate about connecting and growing as a family.
Some of you may be familiar with Gary and Brenda’s girls. And if you aren’t, I’m delighted to introduce you! Their older daughter is Myquillyn Smith, otherwise known as The Nester—known for the phrase “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.” And their younger daughter is Emily P. Freeman, who will be joining us on the next episode, is releasing her fourth book next week entitled, Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World
Gary and Brenda’s describe their marriage as majoring on grace and patience, and caring more for the other person than for themselves. They are absolute best friends, with disagreements being brief and hardly an inch deep, but it wasn’t always so.
For fourteen years Gary struggled with addiction, alcoholism, and defensiveness. He struggled with being touchy, reacting instead of responding, and being nervous about getting that next drink. Gary’s story is one of transformation and hope and I’m so thankful he’s with us to share his story.
In this episode Gary shares about:
- Growing up with an alcoholic father
- His fourteen-year drinking habit, drinking three quarts of beer every day
- The definition and characteristics of addiction
- And the exhaustion of leading a double life
Gary discusses:
- The miracle it was for him to stop drinking
- How he came to turn toward God and trust in Jesus
- The enormous impact a mentor had in changing his entire life
- And some actionable and helpful tips for us to improve our relationships
Gary is insightful, fun, and real, and it is my desire that his story will bring you hope today.
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For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (ESV)
CONNECT with Gary:
- Gary’s website: www.garymorland.com
Contact Gary:
- Email Gary HERE
- Gary’s Kindle Books:
From Beer to Eternity: A little story of addiction and beyond
, by Gary Morland
Scary Hope: Courage and a kick to hug hope, face fear, and get going
, by Gary Morland
- Gary’s oldest daughter: Myquillyn Smith, The Nester
- Gary’s youngest daughter: Emily P. Freeman, Chatting at the Sky
- Read this post about why Gary’s last name (Morland) has no ‘e’
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Loved the interview with Gary. I enjoy his podcasts with daughters Myquillyn and Emily – I knew snippets of HIS story but now I know the whole story! Isn’t God so very good? And, because I’m stuck like a dope on this thing called hope, I love ALL things that are HOPEful! Because HOPE changes everything!