It’s always fun to look back and remember what a year held. Not only the events or what I actually did, but how I felt inside. The older I get the more my heart resides within the feelings of the experiences. The relationships made. The connections nurtured. The way my humanity intersected with those I was with.
I was recently reminded of the surveys of those who are close to dying. The ones who’ve lived a long life. And while knowing that their time on earth was coming to an end, they reflected upon what is was they cherished? What they remembered? It’s was the people. The relationships. The investments of their hearts.
And yet so many times there were regrets. Regrets of focusing on the wrong things. Spending too many years struggling to make money, to get ahead, or buy that next most popular thing. Too much time trying to acquire and achieve, while the minutes and days slipped away and they lost time from investing in the ones they actually loved.
I think it’s important to reflect back on the past year, before we move ahead, dream, or plan the next one. But this is often a challenge because we have to take a hard honest look at ALL of the moments–the ones that were amazing and also the ones that held the potential for regret. Because if we don’t sit in the reality of what has been, how can we change what will be moving ahead? What matters is being intentional to minimize the regret and maximize what we decide ultimately matters.
For me 2018 was a year of transition.
A new city.
A new church.
A new job.
Continuing with my business in a new place.
Finding new friends.
Restarting our contracting business.
And being intentional with those in my presence.
It was a pivotal year of watching my children turn the corner toward adulthood. Wading through my 47th year and all the changes that brings to a woman my age. Road trips to Washington, New York, Boston and Maine. An anniversary cruise to the Caribbean. Getting PADI certified and scuba diving together. Getting used to nature’s seasons and the natural lessons God brings as the seasons come and go–a reminder of how there are seasons within our hearts too.
It gave me such a visual and physical reminder to remember that after winter, spring always comes–how it’s in the dying, dark, bare-branch cold, that new life is born.
This New Year’s day I’m sitting with all that was 2018 and walking into 2019 with purpose and intention.
Believing that no matter what it holds, I can look forward with confidence as I plan, dream and set goals.
Believing that ACTION will bring clarity.
And living with FEAR is no longer my choice.
Because no matter what is ahead, God is with us, working even our mistakes and failures together for our good.
Oh how I know this to be true.
There is NOTHING God leaves unredeemed.
Happy New Year friends. xo