I remember when your heart thought it couldn’t go on. How you cried to me in the night when there was no one there but Me. How you were so broken and your pain was so great and you thought you might break right in two. I remember the circumstances of your failure. How you […]
When God Gives Suffering :: {How to Suffer Well}
I started a new exercise program last week. It’s called Insanity and now I know why … it is insane! I’m sore in places I never knew existed, which serves me right since I’ve pretty much been taking an “exercise vacation” since running my half-marathon last October. Yes, it’s true. Me and exercise … we […]
Five Reasons to Tell Your Story {Allume}
For the past two years I’ve attended an amazing conference for bloggers called The Allume Conference. As I’ve met amazing friends online, it is this conference that’s like a gigantic reunion–a place where we meet to reconnect, learn, and grow in our online ministry endeavor. And there is almost nothing more fun then getting to hug […]
How to Understand Tragedy and Suffering
The morning is new, the breeze is cool, and the sun is climbing into the sky when our ship reaches the Maui shore. The blue ocean waves shimmer in the light and the rocking of the tender boat soothes our welcome to the quaint city of Lahaina. And as we get off the boat and […]
Because God Knows Just What We Need :: (in)RL 2013
God always knows just what we need and He orchestrates everything to be beautiful in His time. I’m a relator and a communicator and there are few things I love more than to connect with others. I believe in community, and connection, and the powerful beauty that blooms when two hearts are seen by one […]
Mended :: May We Surrender in Our Grief {Week 9}
Surrender is hardest when we don’t understand. Sarah’s with Jesus tonight. Her battle is over now. She was only five years old, just one month younger than my youngest daughter. My heart is broken for her mama and all who loved her. Leukemia stole her future and ripped apart her hope–the hope of tooth fairy […]
When Boston Bombs and Tragedy & Suffering Bring Doubt
Boston bombs … and in our tragedy and suffering we dangle with doubt. Our hands hold on and our hearts grieve, for the hope we long to keep. Our innocence is long-lost and our trust in peace is shattered. And we sit and wait for answers and wrestle to understand why. One tragedy follows another, […]
Mended :: When All We Have to Do is Surrender {Week 8}
There was a time in my life when I was unwilling to surrender. The noise of my desires and the chaos of the details left me spinning like a top. Disoriented and alone, I grew more and more discouraged each day. It was as if I was in my own rowboat, saying goodbye to the […]
When You Need to Believe There Can Be Beauty After Pain
It is only in the after, that we might see any beauty at all. After the snow melts. After the rain has come. After the bulb spends months in the dark cold of the ground. After the leukemia, and the chemo, and the central lines … the hospitalizations, and the procedures that swirl life right […]
For When You Are Broken and Long to Be Whole
I’ve been broken. In so many different ways. Broken by how I don’t fit in. Broken because of my failure and my sin. Broken because of the hurt I’ve caused. And broken because of my guilt and shame. Brokenness shatters our heart into fragments. We’re ruptured and torn and not in working order. We function, […]