I’m learning that sometimes loving the right way doesn’t always feel right in the moment. But loving the right way is a love that acts, beyond the emotions of the now, and fights hard to see the goal at the finish. And this is my challenge. You see, I’ll admit to you … I’m a recovering […]
SEEING your Strengths
I need harmony. I never really understood it growing up, the significance of it I guess. I just knew that whenever there was disharmony between me and someone else, my heart’s pace would increase, a feeling of nerve-ridden queasiness would set-in, and I would not able to relax. AT. ALL. Whether minutes, hours, or days…it […]
Where a leader is made
I know leadership is hard… …and leadership can be lonely. But without a leader, people are lost…without direction, unpurposed, and scattered. A leader is vital and necessary… to bring unity to set the pace to model the way to direct and to inspire And yet, the ones following aren’t always unified. They don’t always feel […]