I’m the nurse in charge of the floor, when another nurse calls me to come. And when I get there, the patient is bleeding. A lot. We keep weighing the saturated chux as we urgently call for more help. But the bleeding won’t stop no matter what we do. We start a second IV, give […]
We Are Better Together :: The Romans Project {Week 1}
Every Friday the emails start rolling in, and they continue arriving one by one throughout the weekend. One at a time, I download the attachment and listen to each voice recite scripture. We are in this together. A group, just over ten of us, with a unified goal. Acquaintances brought together with passion and conviction […]
In Case You’re Wondering if Failure is Always Final {The Romans Project}
Failure is never as final as not trying at all. Over one year ago, I set out on a journey with some local in-real-life friends. We joined Ann in memorizing the Sermon on the Mount, but instead of starting in January, we started together at Easter. It was the largest scripture memory project I’d ever […]
Dangers When We Pray :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 25-27}
Several years ago I served in our church’s MOPS leadership, and my title? Prayer coordinator. I was asked to lead our leadership team in this key area, and I was happy to do it. And while the year went well, I had not always had such a passion and eagerness for prayer. Just ten years […]
For When You Need the Approval of Others :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 23-24}
I’ll admit it. I’ve been guilty. Longing for the approval and compliments of others… Wanting them to acknowledge the good I do and the way I serve… And if you’re gut-level honest, you’re probably been guilty too. Because most of us, as human beings, struggle with the issue of significance. We long to matter—to be […]
The Change of Learning to Love Like He Loves :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 20-22}
I am so far from perfect. And I won’t lie. There are many people who annoy and irritate me. People who are inefficient and unresponsive, and not likeable at all. Then there are people who offend me or hurt me, sometimes intentionally. And it is so difficult to tolerate them, exert patience with them, and ultimately love […]
Selfishness is Sin, But Grace Gives Life :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 18 & 19}
I struggle with selfishness. I often think my way is the best way, and many times I just want what I want. I am sometimes less than happy for the success of others, because I wish it was mine. And when I’m hurt by someone, it’s tempting to wish they were hurting too. But this […]
The Thorns Beneath the Smile {Why Our Answers Should Simply Be Yes or No} :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 16 & 17}
I’m a liar. And you are too… Oh maybe not in obvious ways, but they’re lies just the same. You know… Like when a friend says you should get together sometime, and insists how much you mean to her, but the meeting never ever happens. Yeah, that. Or when you run into that person in […]
3 Steps For When Your Heart Faces the Pain, Brokenness, and Devastation of Divorce :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 15}
No matter what, divorce is painful. It hurts. And its consequences never really end. I know—because twelve years ago I got divorced. I know first-hand the pain and its consequences, especially when adultery is involved. And while I’ll share those details with you another time, suffice it to say, God hates divorce from the spouse […]
Because a Life of Holiness Demands My Soul, My Life, My All :: Sermon on the Mount {Week 14}
Two summers ago I taught a women’s bible study based on the book Every Woman’s Battle, by Shannon Ethridge. After one of the sessions, I received an email from a woman admitting that in her mind, she had been comparing her husband to other men. She acknowledged how this had created ruts of discontent, and even anger in her […]