We drove halfway up the mountain in an argument and it didn’t get much better once we arrived. I can’t even remember what it was about. But most likely it was precipitated by a lack of time together lately, the stresses of finances, and the myriad of responsibilities on both of our shoulders. When we […]
Change… A New Thing
Change is exciting but sometimes scary too–full of wonder and mystery at the same time. And there are new things ahead for Mercy Found Me. New paths with bends and curves. A new journey with adventure. A trip with new skies and different vantage points. It’s time to sow and plant new words, time to till and tend new […]
For When You Long for the Quiet
The corn stalks are quiet and salute the setting sun as I walk the powdery dirt path I knew as a child. There’s always something about returning home that calms me, and I’m quiet and take it all in. The birds fly overhead and the sunflowers stand tall. The bees work hard to gather water from the […]