Welcome to episode 012 of Mud Stories! Mud Stories is a podcast dedicated to bringing you inspiration in your muddiest moments, hope to make it through your mud, and encouragement for you to know, you are not alone. In today’s episode I’m talking with Kate Battistelli, an empty-nester who’s been married to Mike for 30 years. She’s […]
When You Need to Know How to Read Through the Bible
It wasn’t until I was thirty-eight years old, that I read through the Bible for the very first time. Even though I grew up in the church, attended a private Christian university, and served as the wife of a pastor for several years. I can’t tell you how many years I spent, opening my Bible to Genesis […]
What I Learned {September 2013}
At the end of every month, Emily Freeman shares what she’s learned, and she hosts a link-up on her blog where everyone can meet and share what they’ve learned too. And I’m joining her today! So here, in no particular order, are 10 things I learned in September… 1. God’s goodness and mercy hunts us down. As I […]
The Declare Conference and a Divine Appointment
It’s 10:30 on Friday night, when I stand in line to pick up my blog critique, longing to get some feedback to improve. I get to the front of the line just as they announce it’s time for the meeting to re-convene, so I return to my seat at the back of the room. Another hour […]
There’s Just Something About a Song
There’s something about a song that can take me back. Back to where I was, what I thought, and how I felt at the time. What is it about music that has the power to transport us back in time and sweep us off to another place … taking us back to the exact moment […]
When You Doubt God is Here {Letters from God}
I am here. And I see. I see the discouragement that seeps in through the cracks of your doubt. The times you question whether you’re able to be used by Me at all. I see how your tired head bends in the dark and longs for more hours in each day. How you stay up in […]
If You Really Want to Know How to Become A Writer
If you would have told me in college that someday I would be a writer, I would never have believed you. After all, I went to college with aspirations to be a doctor. And after earning a bachelor’s degree in biology, teaching high school biology for a bit, and returning to complete a bachelor’s degree […]
To Bare Our Soul
I place her new baby on her bare chest and the emotion in the room is palpable. We do it at every delivery because it begins the bond. Skin touches skin, And oxytocin surges… And we know from the research, ANY skin touching skin, releases oxytocin, initiating and strengthening the bond. It’s amazing how touch […]
Green Pastures and Still Water
I see the word Lisa-Jo posts last night, as I park the car in the driveway–finally home from a long day at work. The word is afraid. And I love this five-minute-Friday community…a group of women who write from their heart and link-up their words every Friday, with posts based on a one-word prompt given […]
When Your Heart Longs for Healing {An Interview with Shannon Ethridge}
In the years following my affair, God began healing my heart from the self-inflicted wounds that had scarred me. He began to reveal Himself to me in ways I’d never known before, and as I surrendered to Him, He began to use me more than I ever imagined he could. The truth is, our brokenness […]