I have always been intimidated by scripture memory. For whatever reason it seemed too difficult to accomplish–too lofty a goal. Don’t get me wrong, I could memorize a verse here or there, and growing up, I did. But as far as large passages, forget it! I had just never really tried. But there is something to be said for […]
When You’re in Need of a Book to Change Your Life
I want to write a book someday. And if there’s one thing I know about becoming an author, whatever I write needs to matter—it needs to be capable of changing a life. And there are many books that have done that for me–books that left me changed. Books that have a message that stays with me long […]
How the Invisible Becomes Visible Again {Naming the Gifts and Giving Thanks}
I’m leading a women’s discipleship group through a 6-week intensive–reading God’s Word and journaling daily, memorizing scripture, serving others and reading Ann‘s book, One Thousand Gifts. And while they read, I re-read it all over again. It’s been over a year and a half since I first read her scratched-out words, and they are still changing […]
You Can’t Fail if You Don’t Quit {Memorizing the Sermon on the Mount}
I’m starting something new this week, and I really want to share it with you. But I’m a bit afraid–because (to be honest) I’m not sure I can do it. And I just may fail … because I’ve failed before. Remember a while back I shared some goals, and invited you to join along in memorizing Romans 8? Well, […]
Hello Mornings…A New Challenge
This past fall I have rushed like a mad-woman, at a ridiculous pace. I strive, like Ann says, to slow time with the weight of my full attention–with the weight of being fully in the present moment. And while I do long for that, I’ve given myself so many hats to wear and so much to accomplish […]
His Good and Perfect Gifts…
God is in the business of giving good and perfect gifts—gifts I am sometimes unaware I even need. Gifts that surprise me and overwhelm me, that drown me and sink me deep into His great love—His love with skin and flesh on … this, the body of Christ. I know because I have experienced its […]
…As I Fly to See Friends
I have virtual friends. I’ve found them online, and I often hang on their words. They stretch me and grow me and challenge me and inspire me. And they have little idea who I am. I dream of the conversations we might have. What I’d share with them and what they might say. And before you judge me […]
Seeing the Gifts
Perspective is everything, and seeing is only for those who are willing to look. And for a long time I didn’t really see the gifts that were from Him. In my self-centered world I focused on what wasn’t, and missed them before my very eyes…His generous gifts. Gifts from His heart to mine…the ones He […]
Today I’m joining Lisa-Jo over at her site to take five minutes and just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. The challenge is to write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing, with the prompt she gives. And today, her prompt: Grateful…. GO! Grateful for my hard-working husband and his […]